Chosei Funahara

Can you solve the mystery of the 13 moons?


An aspiring young filmmaker gets involved with an eccentric gangster for the financing of his first film.


A submissive hooker goes about her trade, suffering abuse at the hands of Japanese salarymen and Yakuza types. She's unhappy about her work, and is apparently trying to find some sort of appeasement for the fact that her lover has married.


A CIA Agent must rely on reluctant help from a female spy in the North Vietnam jungle in order to pass through enemy lines.


A comedy drama that played the festival circuit before vanishing without trace. Forsythe, Sweeney and Miranda are the trio of stepbrothers accompanying paralysed father Fuller on a jaunt to Normandy, where the old boy saw combat and romantic action during the war. Jennifer Beals, a regular in husband Rockwell's movies, plays a transvestite.
