Chris Bonno

The history of the chihuahua told by a chihuahua in cartoon form. Bonus content on the Beverly Hills Chihuahua disk.


In this episode, the pint-sized private investigators take a spin on spine-tingling amusement park rides and then team up with some hilarious pirates-of-the-midway to catch the scary monster that lurks inside the freaky Fun House.


The fanatically uncompromising Len Rowan and his family insult and terrorize the citizens of a small town for years. One day the comment of a saleswoman about Len's son not being able to pay his sweets triggers off his persecution complex. As revenge for the believed insult, the whole family starts stalking the shop owner and her husband... until this escalates and the old man gets badly injured. Len is arrested, but gets off, free on bail. His clever attorney delays the court session for more than a year - while Rowan keeps threatening the witnesses. But then, the people feel they've had enough of this and decide to take the law in their own hands...


In the future, guns are banned and criminals are frozen for the duration of their sentences. A recent spate of killings involving handguns brings Michael Knight back to fight for justice, but he insists of the help of KITT, his artificially-intelligent car from decades ago. The only problem is that KITT has been deactivated.
