Chris Jury

Soon to be married lawyer Kate Beckenham has landed the case of a lifetime. Her courtroom opponent turns out to be the charming Jack Sullivan, who has never lost a single case.


A mysterious stranger presents a boy with a VCR that can "play" the past...and the future. How it affects the boy and his struggling middle-class family is the central story.


Jimmy Harper (Gary Webster) loves to gamble and enjoys enough success to bring him to the attention of a group of men who play for big money. Soon Jimmy decides to change his name to James Harper, to reflect his increased importance, and seeks a way out of his job in a factory. However, as the stakes in the games increase, Jimmy/James may begin to wonder whether he is in over his head and has risked too much...


The pupils of the Dora Jackson School of Dancing compete in the 1960 Classical Dance Festival in Scarborough. Fifties rock 'n' roll meets classical ballet with the arrival of Dora's ex-boyfriend Clifford and a mysterious ghost.


The Doctor and Ace head for the Psychic Circus on the planet Segonax, where they meet a disparate group of performers and visitors, including a self-centred explorer named Captain Cook, his companion Mags and a biker known as Nord.

The adventures of the eponymous Lovejoy, a likeable but roguish antiques dealer based in East Anglia. Within the trade, he has a reputation as a “divvie”, a person with an almost supernatural powers for recognising exceptional items as well as distinguishing genuine antique from clever fakes or forgeries.


Brixton in the early 80s. Viv presides over a cheerfully immoral and variously under-employed bunch of ex-Oxford playmates in her parents' gentrified home. But when Jane's boyfriend introduces a discordant note of reality from the streets, Viv plots her retribution. And behind her double-locked doors there are some hard feelings to contend with.

Girls growing up in 1960-61 London develop a passion for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, the first British team in the 20th century to win the English league and FA Cup "double". Twenty years later, one of the girls tracks down players of the '60-'61 Spurs for a documentary.


Johnny Jarvis and Alan Lipton are two teenagers in their final year of secondary school at a comprehensive in Hackney in 1977. Energetic, anxious and occasionally naïve, the unlikely pair are on the brink of entering the adult world of the late '70s and early '80s when prospects are slim.

Starting Out is an Australian television soap opera made for the Nine Network by the Reg Grundy Organisation in 1983. The series was the network's replacement for The Young Doctors and was set at a medical college with an emphasis on young people getting their first experience of living away from home and leading independent lives. The youthful cast included Gary Sweet, David Clencie, Nikki Coghill, Tottie Goldsmith and Peter O'Brien, whilst more experienced cast members complementing the young leads included Maurie Fields, Gerard Maguire, Jill Forster and Anne Phelan. The series failed to gain sufficient ratings and was quickly cancelled and removed from the schedules. The unscreened episodes were screened out-of-ratings in late 1983.