Chris McInroy

Two dudes think they found the cure for zombie bites.

Chad Buckley is a horror aficionado, and he's lonely. Chad spends his days at his struggling genre video store arguing with his only regular customer, Sam. When an unsuspecting applicant shows up, Chad begins to teach him about the rules of horror and his video store at large, much to the chagrin of Sam. During Chad's on-boarding process, we weave in and out of different hilarious horror shorts, each one geared at a different set of horror tropes. As this new applicant learns the ropes, he begins to suspect Chad of something sinister, but we quickly learn that he may have a secret of his own.


Introducing Hellarious: a once-in-a-lifetime feature collection that brings together seven of the most legendary horror comedy shorts ever made. The stories, from some of the world’s best genre filmmakers, feature a hilarious menagerie of zombie wives, amateur satanists, reverse werewolves, cannibal lunch ladies and more -- along with gust-busting gags, gross-outs and gore.


They just wanted to be cool. Instead, they got a demon.


A metalhead gets passed down a satanic guitar that riffs to shreds.


When you're the #2 Bad Guy, your days are usually numbered.


A guy with his guts on the outside of his body really wants a promotion.


He's not the President we need, but the President we deserve. Meet Gorgar, your new Destroyer-in-chief.