Chris Vargas

Valencia is a collaboration between a national community of queer filmmakers to adapt the underground classic memoir into a kaleidoscopic vision of San Francisco's Mission District in the early 90s during the rise of a punk lesbian diaspora told through the experiences of Michelle, a single rootless twenty-something searching for sex and love, drugs and adventure.


Falling in Love… is a situation comedy about a gay odd couple, one liberal, one radical; one transgender, one not. They don’t have a whole lot in common, but somehow they manage. In this episode, Chris and Greg compete on a reality television show to be “The Next Great Artist.” The challenge: “Create a successful piece of queer art about failure.” Can they make it through a double elimination?

Homotopia chronicles a group of radical queer’s dedicated to exposing the trouble with gay marriage, dismantling the State, undoing Empire, while looking totally fierce.


Extraordinary Pregnancies revisits the "First" Pregnant Man, Thomas Beatie and his wife Nancy, rescripting their vulnerable yet guarded interviews with the big shots of tabloid media.