Chris Wahlström

More mischief from Anderssonskan's Kalle.


Steve works as a locksmith and one day he meets Lotta in his work. After helping her get back into her apartment they decide to see each other again. Though they are dating Steve still goes out with other girls, and in situations like this a big city quickly becomes a small town.


Anderssonskan's Kalle is the typical 'Söderkis'. It's a boy growing up on Söder in Stockholm and he is very fond of practical jokes. His mother sees him as a good natured boy but his victims, mostly the local policeman and two old crones in the same house, see him as the devil himself.


A girl of 14 is embarrassing her foster parents. She exposes herself to a homeless and police. It turns out that the girl has had sex with various men in exchange for a little kindness and chocolate. At fornication trial she has to face the city's municipal chief, who also has abused the girl.


A nudists hardships outdoors.

Sjökvist needs a woman to tidy up his general store and Åsa-Nisse helps him out to put an ad in the local newspaper.


A theater company rehearses Aristophanes play "Lysistrata" in which the Athenian women revolt to force the men to suspend the war and make peace. The three leading female actresses, Liz, Marianne and Gunilla, all live in humiliating circumstances to their men.


Lena, aged twenty, wants to know all she can about life and reality. She collects information on everyone and everything, storing her findings in an enormous archive. She experiments with relationships, political activism, and meditation. Meanwhile, the actors, director and crew are shown in a humorous parallel plot about the making of the film and their reactions to the story and each other. Nudity, explicit sex, and controversial politics kept this film from being shown in the US while its seizure by Customs was appealed.


Fabian Bom has been sent by the Export Association to promote Swedish export to Spain. He travels with the navy's cruiser to Barcelona, but his jealous fiancée Gullan has followed him in secret to keep an eye on him. In Barcelona the usually strict and virtuous Bom is surrounded by the local women and has a ball. He meets the young and zestful Linnea from Sweden. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.


The rich, aristocratic Katarina Hassel have an architect renovate her mansion. Katarina fall in love with the young architect, Gunnar Stenwall. Alas, he doesn't fall in love with her. But perhaps if Gunnar would meet her identical sister, who works in Stockholm as a waitress, he would fall in love with her instead? So Katarina travels to Stockholm to act as her non-existing sister.


The singing vagabond Loffe suddenly becomes a man of the law.
