Christa Abel

The sexual escapades of boarders in a small and sparsely furnished private school in the Alps.


A count is experiencing financial problems. He rents his hunting place to tourists to earn some extra cash. Curiously enough, all guests seem not to be interested in hunting, but in sex...


Shy Peter Wohlers is granted a week off from his boring job at a bank to discover (the opposite) sex.


Disguised as her daughter, Anna's mother slips into French lessons to supplement little daughter's notes. She strikes her best in class, but she also shows what she is capable of in the group in the afternoon. As the headmaster uncovers the mother-daughter delusion, it becomes all the more praiseworthy.


A deaf and dumb accountant suffers from a psychic trauma in his childhood. He is collecting puppets and mutilates female bodies in the mortuary. After his secret love died by an accident he starts to kill.
