Christian Goebel

After missing four years, the body of a little boy is found in the forest. An unlikely pair of police officers investigate the boy's death.


Mary is a lawyer whose successful career is turned upside when she have a car accident. Forced to live on a wheelchair, the lawyer is fired and abandoned by her lover.


Having conquered the Asian underworld, crime boss Don sets in motion a plan that will give him dominion over Europe.


A series of strange accidents plaguing a city located near the mine. Two people were pulled through the funnel, which formed after the collapse of tunnels under the lake. Geologist Nina Thiemann discovers that the mine tunnels are insecure and unstable. A woman with an expert in the field of explosions and a father, a former miner, descend into the ground, hoping that they will prevent catastrophe


Die 16jährigen Zwillinge Luisa und Lukas erfahren durch Zufall, dass ihre Mutter Katrin sie durch eine Samenspende bekommen hatte. Katrin muß den Erzeuger suchen und findet ihn auch. Das hat Folgen...


It's the roaring twenties in Berlin. The Tigress, a gorgeous, wild, and very independent street walker, falls for a handsome grifter. When one of her lovers gets jealous, she betrays him and has to skip town. The grifter reveals he has what it takes to move in upper class circles and suggests they flee to Carlsbad, a spa in Czechoslovakia. Does he love her or is he only using her? Is the Tigress madly in love with him or does she want to satisfy her vanity and drop him once he falls for her? The ancient cat and mouse game between a man and a woman unfolds amidst sensual seduction, the scheme of robbing a rich Texan and the jilted lover arriving from Berlin, gun drawn.
