Christine McIntyre

Diagnosed with a mental illness halfway through his senior year of high school, a witty, introspective teen struggles to keep it a secret while falling in love with a brilliant classmate who inspires him to open his heart and not be defined by his condition.


The stooges are private detectives hired to protect a rich politician. After the man disappears, the boys wander around his spooky mansion confronting various villains and a dangerous dame. The stooges vanquish the crooks (Shemp uses his "trusty shovel") and find the missing man.


To inherit a fortune, voice teacher Shemp must marry before six o'clock, but no girl will accept his proposal. Finally one of his repulsive students agrees to marry him, just in the nick of time. When the rest of the prospective brides hear about the inheritance, they show up at the ceremony and a free for all ensues. Shemp marries his student before the deadline, and then finds out that there is no inheritance. Moe and Larry have tricked him into marriage as revenge for their marrying his shrewish sisters.


The stooges are government agent entrusted with protecting professor Sneed, who has invented a super rocket fuel. Larry is mistaken for the professor by foreign agents who kidnap the trio and take them to the country of Anemia where they are ordered to produce the rocket fuel or be executed. The boys come up with a concoction they try to pass of as the real stuff, but are exposed when the real professor and his daughter are also kidnapped. The stooges help them escape, using their secret formula to fuel a jeep.


The stooges witness an armed robbery and are brought in by the cops as suspects. After passing a lie detector test, the boys are freed and go back to their jobs in a Cafe. When one of the robbers comes into the Cafe, the boys recognize him and along with their friend Gladys trail him to a spooky house in the country where the crooks are hiding out. The bad guys abduct Gladys and the stooges must rescue her.


The stooges apply for job as 'Yard Men' at Scotland Yard, thinking they'll become detectives, but instead wind up as gardeners. When they accidentally see a memo about the theft a famous diamond, the boys decide to go after the crooks. They find the crooks, but Shemp accidentally swallows the diamond which was hidden in a bowl of candy. The bad guys want to cut the diamond out, but the boys foil them with the help of a friendly gorilla.


The stooges go out west for Shemp's health. The boys soon run afoul of a local villain who is forcing pretty Nell to marry him. The bad guy has Nell's sisters locked up, and its up to the stooges to rescue them and save the day.


Would be detectives, the stooges get a job guarding a Scotch castle while the owner is away. The servants are crooks intent on robbing the castle of its valuables. Though they do their best to frighten the boys off, the stooges prevail and expose the crooked goings-on.


Set in Elizabethan times, the stooges help their friend Cedric the Blacksmith win the hand of the fair princess Elaine. The only problem is that Elaine is promised to the Black Prince who is plotting to take over the kingdom. The stooges manage to foil the plot and the grateful King allows Cedric to marry Elaine.


Hospitalized Eric Loudermilk Potts tells his story to a golddinging nurse. He's a bridegroom who misses his own wedding because he can't stop chasing fire trucks. Fiancee Mae breaks up with him to marry milksop Wilber at her father's insistence. But Eric's butler Simmons is determined to help true love, and arranges for Eric to crash the wedding and win Mae back.


Eddie visits, with his annoying kids.

The stooges are pharmacists who invent a fountain of youth formula that can turn old people young. They turn an old lady into a beautiful young woman, but when her husband takes the formula it turns him into a gorilla.


Taggart and his men are breaking wanted outlaws out of jail and then killing them for the reward money. Marshal's Whip, Jim, and Texas have a plan to trap the gang. Whip poses as a wanted outlaw while Jim joins Taggart's gang and helps break him out. But there is trouble when gang member Mike, wanting a bigger cut, double-crosses everyone.


As was customary in his late Monogram westerns, Johnny Mack Brown plays an undercover agent in Colorado Ambush. Brown is sent to Colorado to stem the activities of a particularly vicious outlaw gang


It is the old west and the Dillon clan are making life miserable for a small Western town. Sweetheart Nell (Christine McIntyre) and her dashing but dimwitted boyfriend Elmer (Jock Mahoney) rushes off to find help. Meanwhile, cavalrymen the Stooges are making life miserable for superior, Sergeant Mullins (Dick Wessel). Mullins tries to whip the boys into shape, but his plan backfire and has a run-in with his superior, Captain Daley (Emil Sitka). Daley informs Mullins about the Dillion clan's evildoings, and needs some men to run them out of town. Mullins does not miss a beat, and volunteers the unsuspecting Stooges.


The stooges run a furniture store and come into possession of a stolen pearl necklace. Three crooked dames convince the boys that the necklace is theirs, and when the real thieves arrive, the stooges fight to defend the girl's property. The stooges defeat the bad guys and the girls decide to go honest and return the necklace to its rightful owner.


The stooges are stage hands who also have small parts in a big play. They quickly get on the bad side of the producer. First they fail to prevent a famous critic from sneaking into the audience. Then Shemp accidentally adds a pot holder into a cake they bake as a prop. During the play the stooges (as southern gentlemen) and the rest of the cast spit up feathers during what was supposed to be a serious scene. The critic thinks it's a hilarious satire and the boys are redeemed.


The stooges become detectives and go to the aid of girl in the clutches of a mad scientist. The boys arrive at a spooky mansion where the madman is building a mechanical man that needs a human head. After declining the opportunity to supply a stooge-head for the experiment, they find the girl and escape, only to wind up in a car driven by the headless robot.


The stooges are hired by a movie studio as publicity men. Their first assignment is to get publicity for Dolly Devore, a pretty starlet. They fake a kidnapping, but the cops won't believe their story. Then the girl is really kidnapped and the stooges must come to the rescue. Shemp winds up hanging out a tenth story window on an extending telephone.


Harry has to leave town on a business trip to take part in the opening of a new radio station. However, his wife suspects that he is actually going to meet another woman.


The stooges are private detectives looking for a missing millionaire. They wander around the millionaire's spooky mansion confronting various crooks and a dangerous dame. The stooges vanquish the crooks (Shemp uses his "trusty shovel") and find the missing man.


The stooges are the "Day and Night" plumbers. Called out to a fancy mansion where a society party is going on, they cross the electrical and water systems and generally ruin the place. Despite their incompetent plumbing, they save the day by recovering a painting stolen by a pair of thieves masquerading as party guests.


The stooges are carpet layers working in the home of a scientist, Professor Sneed, who has invented a super rocket fuel. Larry is mistaken for the professor by foreign agents who kidnap the trio and take them to the country of Anemia where they are ordered to produce the rocket fuel or be executed. The boys come up with a concoction they try to pass of as the real stuff, but are exposed when the real professor and his daughter are also kidnapped. The stooges help them escape, using their secret formula to fuel a jeep.


Joe's fiance doesn't like his obsession for chasing fire engines.


Harry tries to entertain a family of rich hillbillies.

As a publicity gimmick, Harry has to announce his radio show from a real haunted house.

A member of a band practicing for an upcoming commercial finds out from his girlfriend that she got a job as nurse to a rich but eccentric old man, Mr. Lark. Believing that music can cure those with mental problems, he and his band accompanies the nurse to Lark's mansion in order to "cure" him.


The stooges apply for job as 'Yard Men' at Scotland Yard, thinking they'll become detectives, but instead wind up as gardeners. When they learn that detectives are need to guard a Scottish castle where valuables have been disappearing, they masquerades as Scotsmen to get the job. After a spooky night in the castle, the boys expose the servants as the crooks.


The stooges are janitors working in a newspaper office. When an anonymous caller phones in a tip about the theft a famous diamond, the boys decide to become reporters and go after the crooks. They find the crooks, but Shemp accidentally swallows the diamond which was hidden in a bowl of candy. The crooks want to cut the diamond out, but the boys foil them with the help of a friendly gorilla.


Set in Arthurian times, the stooges decide to help their friend Cedric the Blacksmith win the hand of the fair princess Elaine. At night the group sneaks into the castle to serenade Elaine, but pick the wrong window and are caught by the King. Tossed in the dungeon, the boys escape with Cedric's help and manage to foil the plans of the Black Prince who was plotting against the King. All turns out well when the grateful King allows Cedric to marry Elaine.


Harry entertains a potential advertising client.

Wally intends to have a nice quiet day at home, until his brother-in-law Eddie shows up with his kids.

The stooges run a drug store and are about to have their lease taken away by the Flint, the mean old man who owns the place. When Flint kicks his wife out for being old, the stooges try to help her by inventing a formula that makes old people young. Their concoction turns the wife into a beautiful young woman, and Flint offers the boys the store for free if they'll transform him as well. They agree, but after he swallows the stuff he turns into an infant, and the boys leave on the run.


Shemp has to get married within seven hours in order to inherit $500,000. Now that's incentive! The bumbling threesome set to work right away with hilarious results.


Johnny Mack Brown goes up against a female boss villain in this unusual Western from Monogram. Hired to look into dirty dealings in the town of Medicine Flats, Johnny learns that Kansas City Kate (Christine McIntyre), the owner of the Golden Spur Saloon, has been waging a war against local prospectors, one of whom is found murdered. Not appreciating Johnny's interference, Kate has her henchman Cameo (Tristram Coffin) take a shot at him and when that fails, hires a notorious gunslinger, the Cherokee Kid (I. Stanford Jolley).


Johnny Williams (Johnny Mack Brown) returns to his home town of Beaufort, and finds himself when being chased by banker Henry Stevens (Tristram Coffin), Grangers Association head Les Travers (Ed Cassidy as Edward Cassidy) and real estate agent Frank Wilkins (Ted Adams.)


Harry gets a job at a radio station as an "advice to the lovelorn" host and winds up getting involved in a young woman's marital problems.

Harry, who is known as a practical joker, finds himself being chased by a headhunter, and doesn't know if it's a joke or not.


Sterling works as a woman's hosiery salesman, and marries one of the office secretaries only to find out that his boss has just decided that anyone in his employ that gets married will be fired. His antics to keep his wife and his boss apart leads to troubles on both fronts.

The stooges go out west for Shemp's health and get mixed up with some bad guys. The villains have locked up the Arizona Kid and their leader plans to marry his girl, Nell. The boys help the Arizona Kid escape and he rides to fetch the Cavalry. Somehow, the stooges manage to defeat the bad guys before the Cavalry arrives.


Slip and Sach are working for a local newspaper as a reporter and photographer, respectively. Slip wants to get the goods on a local gambling ring that is fixing sporting events, so he and Sach go undercover to expose the ring.


In this western, a hero prevents a stagecoach robbery and wins the respect and confidence of a mine owner and a pretty woman who is going west to see her sister. Two outlaws next try to jump the miner's claim.


Harry von Zell, a commentator on a radio show, unknowingly angers a wanted gangster with his comments on the air.

In this Columbia All-Star Comedy (production number 8439), Shemp Howard finds himself in a love nest with the wrong woman, while his bride-to-be is waiting, none too happy, at the church.


The third of four Columbia shorts starring Joe DeRita, made across a period of 15 months from late 1946 to early-1948, has newlyweds Eddie (Joe DeRita) and Betty (Christine McIntyre) barely moved into their new house before Betty's mother (Esther Howard), aunt (Patsy Moran) and brother (Charles Williams) show up and give every indication of becoming permanent free-loading guests. Dick (William Newell) gives Eddie a plan that will cause his unwanted guests to vacate the premises, by having Dick and his wife, Ruby (Dorothy Granger), move in as Eddie's relatives, and even bigger pests, thereby causing Betty's relatives to move out. The plan works and Eddie and Betty are pleased until Dick announces that he and Ruby have intentions of staying on. A Spanish-language subtitled version was released as "La Suegra Intrusia."


The stooges are castaways from a garbage scow who land on Dead Man's Island where everyone is living in olden times. To escape from the governor, they disguise Curly as a Maharaja and win permission to journey to their own country to fetch presents. The governor is fooled, but the boys run into more trouble in the den of Black Louie the pirate where Curly is forced into a knife throwing contest with Larry as the target. Things look bad until a mis-thrown knife cuts the rope that holds the chandelier and it crashes down on Black Louie's men. With the pirates defeated, Moe decides to take over as ruler of the island.


Private detectives Gus and Dick take a murder case where nearly everyone is trying to kill them.


Set in the old west, the stooges become marshals in a town with a high death rate for lawmen. The boys set out prevent a marriage between the villain Blackie and the heroine Nell, who's father Blackie has kidnapped. The stooges manage to defeat Blackie and his henchmen, but when Nell's father learns she promised to marry Curly if he could save her, he decides death would be a preferable fate.


In one of his better Monogram Westerns, Johnny Mack Brown goes up against a crooked saloon owner with more than one murder on his conscience. Steve Corbin (Tristram Coffin) and his gang of cutthroats are terrorizing the townspeople of Rimrock, who in self-defense hire Johnny Macklin (Mack Brown) as new town marshal.


Shemp Howard, in this Columbia All-Star Comedy (production number 7438), knows many ways to get into trouble with his wife, and one he opts for here is stay out late playing poker with the boys and then tell his wife he has been working.


Muriel Allen needs an escort to Alice Preston's dinner party, and her maid Petunia mistakenly places a telephone call to Acme Exterminators instead of Acme Escorts. It's Shemp and Tom to the rescue, and they're assumed to be cultured college seniors. Guest of honor Lord Wafflebottom follows the pest exterminators' lead in proper American party manners, turning the dinner party into an uncouth display. When mice are conveniently spotted, the boys go to work, disrupting the party and the entire mansion.


Joe's wife, who thinks he's been carrying on with another woman, moves out.


Good samaritan Shemp rescues a girl from an accident, and a newspaper photographer snaps a picture of her thanking Shemp. The paper mixes up the caption, implying that Shemp and the girl are lovers. This doesn't sit well with Shemp's fiancee, who breaks off their engagement, leaving him so heartbroken he asks the rescued girl's gangster boyfriend (Dick Curtis) to kill him. When Shemp's intended returns and apologizes, he realizes that his days are numbered unless he can find the gangster and call off the hit.


Harry and his pal protect a pretty saloonkeeper from a gang of thugs.


Jonathan Bass (Tom Kennedy), an inventor working for the government, makes the mistake of his life. He moves next door to Shemp. Lazy, obtuse and obnoxious, Shemp plays the good neighbor by wrecking the Bass' garage, car and china... and somehow makes it look to Bass' wife (Christine McIntyre) that Jonathan is clumsily at fault. Bass' latest project is a new bomb for the Army, and it's only a matter of time before helpful Shemp turns up in the laboratory basement offering his assistance.


The stooges are three inventors trying to a get a patent on their preposterous fly catching invention. When they learn they'll have to catch 100,000 flies to earn enough to get a patent, some crooks overhear and think the boys are the $100,000 sweepstakes winners. When the crooks give chase, the stooges hide in a sporting goods store where Curly shoots a dummy, which they mistake for a real person. The boys decide to bury the "body" in a pet cemetery, but the cemetery owner arrives from a costume party with his partners, all dressed as spooks, and they proceed to scare the devil out of the stooges.


Johnny Mack Brown is back as Nevada Jack McKenzie in Frontier Feud. Once again, Nevada and his grizzled sidekick Sandy (Raymond Hatton) are US marshals posing as drifters. Rancher Joe (Dennis Moore) is accused of a series of murders, but Nevada and Sandy manage to prove that another man is the guilty party.


The stooges are working in a radio station where a pretty girl has just made a recording of "Voices of Spring" under an assumed name. She wants to hide her singing career from her disapproving society parents while auditioning for Mrs. Bixby's "Krispy Krunchy" radio program. After a run-in with a pompous violinist, the boys find the record and Curly starts mimicking to it, dressed as a women. Mrs. Bixby witnesses their performance and is impressed enough to hire "Senorita Cucaracha" (Curly) and Senors "Mucho" and "Gusto" (Moe and Larry) for her radio program. The boys show up in their disguises to "sing" at a Mrs. Bixby's party but run into trouble when Moe smashes the record over Curly's head. The real singer tries to help by singing from behind a curtain while Curly mimics, but she is discovered and the stooges exit to a hail of phonograph records.


Two-fisted cowboys fight for law and order in their encounters with outlaws.


The stooges are working as bellboys in a large hotel when a side show promoter shows up with 'Lupe', a wild wolfman who promptly escapes. The stooges try to capture the wolfman by playing music to calm him, but music makes the wolfman go berserk and soon the stooges are the ones trying to run away. The boys end up caught in an elevator with the wolfman who shoots them into the sky.


A United States marshal uncovers a plot to steal the valuable gold-laden property of ranchers.


Harry finds out he is the missing heir to an estate, and is summoned to an old, spooky mansion to collect his inheritance.


After his wife complains about the number of nights Woodcock (Shemp Howard) spends at the Hoot Owl Lodge, he takes her on a belated honeymoon. The first person they meet is lodge member Joe Wilson, who asks Woodcock to help him retrieve some ill-advised letters to lovely hotel guest Irene (Christine McIntyre). Woodcock soon finds himself caught between his jealous wife, and Irene's Latin-tempered fiancee Ricardo.


The stooges are dressed as Japanese soldiers for their job as magazine models. On their lunch break they go into a restaurant with their Japanese uniforms on causing the proprietor to mistake them for the real thing, and a chase ensues. The boys fall through a trap door, and into a nest of Nazi spies where they are mistaken for "Naki", "Saki" and "Waki", three Japanese saboteurs. The stooges try to act the part, including demonstrating acrobatics and jiu-jitsu to their hosts. When the real "Naki", "Saki" and "Waki" show up, the boys are exposed and impostors, but after a wild fight manage to capture all the Axis spies.


Brown fights a swindler and his pal, Hatton, finds a way to help a robbery victim buy back his property.


Rangers Tex Wyatt, Jim Steele, and Panhandle Perkins are en route to Boulder City to investigate the murder of rancher Dan Clark when they happen upon Trigger Farley, a gunslinger hired by Cole Melford, the chief suspects in Clark's murder.


Ma Turner of Red Bluff sends for U.S.Marshal Buck Roberts to investigate a series of wide-spread rustling in the area. Town banker Miller, saloon-owner Duke Mason and the crooked sheriff are in cahoots with rancher John Holt, but they double-cross and kill him. His son Steve witnesses the murder and kills the sheriff. Buck arrives and arrests Steve. Marshal Tim McCall, posing as an outlaw, gains the confidence of the gang and engineers the escape, with Buck's knowledge, of Steve from the jail. Sandy Hopkins, the third Marshal of the trio, poses as a peddler and learns that the gang intends to do away with Buck and rides to the Turner ranch to warn him. Red, a Turner ranch hand but also a member of the gang, overhears Buck telling Ma that Tim is really a U.S. Marshal, and he has Miller and Mason informed. Written by Les Adams


As the elderly man visiting his wife's grave remembers how a renewed faith in Christianity help a shady businessman, a juvenile delinquent a young couple and a shiftless man find the way to righteousness.

Buck Roberts is leading a wagon train of railroad supplies and Jim Corkle and his henchman Loder are out to stop them by using white men dressed as Indians for the attacks.


A police reporter solves a murder case in Chicago, then moves on to St. Louis-but not voluntarily, since he has been kidnapped by the minions of the Windy City gang leader (Max Hoffman Jr.) against whom he is scheduled to testify.


Having trouble with outlaws, Marshal Graham sends for his friends the Range Busters. Newspaper editor Ross, dissatisfied with Graham, forms a vigilante committee and puts Jim Dawson in charge not knowing he is the leader of the outlaw gang. Dawson then has his men frame Crash and Dusty for robbery and murder and then has them set out to lynch the two.


Trapped in a burning cabin by ex-cons Fulton and Howard, Roberts has his horse Silver drag him to safety. He then joins McCall and Hopkins as they go after Fulton, Howard, and their boss Cramer. Written by Maurice Van Auken


The Rough Riders are after a gang of rustlers. Marshal Roberts is posing as a wanted outlaw, McCall is the Marshal supposedly after him, and Sandy is on hand as a cook. Roberts hopes his joining the gang will help bring them in.


Blondie and Dagwood are in charge of operations at a mountain motel. The elderly owners of the establishment are in danger of losing their life savings. Among other things, arson threatens.


Working undercover, the Rangers are after Bull and his gang. Ted successfully joins Dr. Aikmans traveling medicine show, but Jim's identity has been exposed and he is in danger.


At Dr. Van Loon's Sanitarium, swing music is the cure.