Christophe Barbier

Two couples, Chris Bailey and Judith Lazard, along with Paul Adler and Albertine Langlois, meet for dinner on the 9th of July 2006, the night of the Football World Cup Final between France and Italy. Their conversations wander from intimate subjects to substantial political comments in such an intricate manner that their personal lives and their perception of the ideological struggle, the battle for the leadership of the french left, are more and more difficult to differenciate. For six years, their political attitudes evolve with the changing image of themselves and each other.


A documentary drama retelling the shift of Mitterand's policy. In May 1981, F.Mitterrand is elected President of the Republic, after more than twenty years in the opposition. He wants to change the life; he believes in the supremacy of politics over economics. He wants it to be fast and executes his programme to realise the socialist transformation. Two years later, Pierre Mauroy and Jacques Delors introduce an unprecedented austerity plan and open the parenthesis of austerity... that would never be closed.
