Chu Ben-Ke

1992 film


Ah-fei and Dragon, students under the brother kung-fu masters Shorty and Uncle, are sent to clear the ghosts out of a haunted house. After a brief search, they soon find that the "ghosts" are nothing but props set up by a couple of con artists. After making quick work of the cheats, the fighting pair discover that there is actually a real ghost hiding in the house! Ah-fei and Dragon may have studied their martial arts well, but how do you beat up something that's already dead?


Taiwanese huangmei opera film.

In the early days of the Chinese Republic era, dockworkers in Macau are being mistreated by their Chinese overseers. An accident reveals that the cargo is composed of guns and opium.


Chiang May-Yin (Tu Kuei-Hua), is fired from her job as a waitress and, n the way home, she is terrorised by some thugs, raped and left unconscious on the roadside. After a series of confrontations, the leader of the gang, Ah-Chen (Lung Tien-Hsiang), kidnaps Chiang’s son. Chiang sets out for revenge.