Chuen Yuen

The Wu-Tang Clan's Cappadonna redubs a 1970s martial arts thriller to hilarious effect, casting himself in the lead role as a pot-smoking rapper who wakes up in an Asian kung fu dreamscape. There, he's framed for the murder of a rival gang leader and is quickly banished. Liberally changing characters into drunks and prostitutes, Cappadonna crafts a unique comedy experience that also features the voices of Hideo Seaver and Shawn Wigs.


Crime boss Barton's (Mike Abbott) reign of terror is about to end. John Foley (Mark Watson), called in to avenge the death of an innocent man, was trained by the elite American Commandos in Nam. Since the war, he's put his special skills to work many times. But never like this. When John Foley enters the steamy, seedy realm of the underworld, survival is the name of the game and do unto others before they do unto you is the only rule to live by.


The evil Black Ninja Clan tries to steal the Golden Ninja statue from Ninja Master Gordon.


International intrigue surrounds this battle for possession of a secret war map that could mean the end of the world.

A family just moved in a new mansion in the suburbs, but weird things happen on and on. The wife sees a dead man’s skull. The son strangely says he sees many people in the living room. Is the house haunted or could there be some other reason?

Forced into prostitution, a young woman finally meets and marries her savior. Or is he? When she finally helps him to repay a gambling debt, he dumps her for another…

Two beautiful young girls who were raised in an orphanage join hands, arms and everything else to fight the bureaucracy's intent to close down their beloved orphanage.

Psycho-thriller from Taiwan.

Gangland killer Wong Biau is convicted and sent to prison for murdering Lin, chief of a rival gang who happens to be the brother of Wong's girlfriend. Actually, Wong is innocent. Years later, Wong is freed and making a start to be a law-abiding citizen. But Lin Wai-ying, his former girlfriend, now the leader of the rival gang, makes repeated attempts to kill him...

The most deadly fighter on earth, a man so dangerous in combat he only uses one hand, is after the greatest book ever written. This book, a tutorial in the "mantis fist", must be protected by an unlikely band of hero's. - IMDB


Two swordsmen from separate sects band together to kill Ruthless Chi, head of another sect.But did he really die? Events show that the Ruthless killer stills controls the strings and its up to the swordsmen to reveal his true identity.


Bruce Lee (Bruce Li) is assigned to go undercover as Lee Min-Chin to investigate a drug ring. The mob hires an assassin to kill him. They are both great at what they do; as they fight to the death only one will come out alive.


Superstar Carter Wong must protect the Shaolin Temple from a traitor from within the order. The Silver Fox has turned up the heat against Shaolin, but Carter and the Holy Warrior Monks will stand firm -- or die fighting!


Hwang Jang Lee is a corrupt Ming guard who frames John Liu for murder. A wanted fugitive, John hides out with a teen who is an expert in the infamous Iron Armor technique, a technique that means the expert can withstand anything. However, Hwang is an expert in it as well as the Eagle Claw's. Can John stop Hwang before it's too late?


The complicated story involves the military conquest of a peaceful island-nation by an evil despot and his sorcerer ally. His victory leaves the island's three heroic protectors dead, but, their young children are hidden away to grow to adulthood with different identities, unaware of their heritage, in hope that, in time, they might challenge and defeat the evil ruler. The charming Polly Kuan stars as one of these children who has been adopted by the conquerer himself, initially as an insult to the defeated hero, later as his protégé.


The Japanese have conquered Chow Chu, a Chinese village, and have it ruled by Captain Chow, a collaborationist, and his henchmen. Yu-Kong, a most wanted patriot, takes refuge at Yen Wei's as he must hand over an important message to Tong Ye, her husband. But Tong Ye has been taken hostage and has just been shot by a firing squad. Bad for the Japanese, Yen Wei accepts the mission meant for her husband. In memory of him...

By refusing to give up his ranch, Zhi Ping ends up being killed by the three tigers. His wife, Mrs. Sung (Hsiao-Chuang Kuo), is a good woman of quarrel who wants to avenge her husband. A wrestler named Dragon (Si Wai), who had his sister raped and killed by these criminals, also wants revenge, and to end them, he decides to infiltrate the gang, and in this, he ends up meeting Lily (Doris Lung) a spoiled girl who is the sister of the chief of the three tigers.


shaw production

A small village is taken over by the "nasty" Japanese, who kill the town's top kung fu fighter in order to scare the populace into submission. Escaping the wrath of the Japanese, the son of the master (Chuen Yuen) flees into the hills, where he trains with a group of rebels led by Gam Kei-Chu. Fast-forward ten years, and Chuen returns to the village armed with his father's secret technique of the "Thunderbolt Fist" with the hopes of killing the leader of the Japanese (James Nam Gung-Fan).


Chuan Yuan is the noble, powerful hero and Shu Pei-pei, one of Shaw’s top swordswoman, is a reluctant bride who comes upon a rebellion plot. They are joined by a large cast of expert fighters and actors all keeping the intrigue and adventure foremost in the film. There’s even a nice surprise ending amidst all the action.


A young Kung Fu student (Shih Szu) seeks a reclusive teacher so that she may learn to defeat the evil Black Demon. She doesn't realize that the servant woman she befriends (Cheng Pei-Pei) is actually the kung fu master she seeks. After Black Demons henchmen attack, the master reveals herself and eventually takes on the student to train her so that they may both defeat the villian. A love triangle complicates things when another student (Lo Lieh) asks for training as well.


Tan Jen-chieh’s life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He’s hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father’s likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other’s throats, they learn they’ve been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.


David Chiang plays a driven and violent martial artist bent on avenging his older brother, killed by a cabal of four wicked businessmen and a cheating wife.


shaw production

A melodrama about the blossoming love between two music students returning home from abroad and planning to wed. However, both of their parents don't know about it and when they find out, all bliss blasts away as social gaps become an issue.

In Farewell, My Love Julie Yeh Feng plays a devoted wife and mother dying from an incurable illness. Her goal now is to find a new mother for her child and a new wife for her husband before she dies. Because of all her personal tragedies and on going hard life off camera, audiences associated with Julie, making her one of the most beloved actresses of her time.


Private eye Chang Wen Chiang receives a telephone call from his girlfriend Li Lan Hsing. He rushes over and finds her dying in a pool of blood.


Tu Cheng Kang (Kwan Shan) teaches at the Ta Tap Middle School where pupils are delinquent. Tu’s class is the worst. As the headmaster and his fellow teachers are unable to cope with the unruly students, Tu is determined to win them over with kindness. He fails initially but does not despair. Kao Te Sheng (Chuen Yuen), nicknamed the One Eyed Dragon, is the chief troublemaker and leader. When Kao’s father, a coolie, faints at the wharf from over work, Tu takes him to the hospital and befriends him. The old man does not realize Tu is his son’s teacher and neither does Te Sheng realize that his teacher had saved his father, he continues to oppose Tu.

Ivy Ling Po plays the dedicated wife of a man being blackmailed for an illicit love affair, who uncovers a pit of deceit, double-crosses, extortion and murder after murder.


A great "swordfighter" learns humility after he is defeated by a master martial arts monk. But his reputation always precedes him, leading to danger, destruction, challenges, cruelty, kidnapping, and killing.


Little Kai (Sun Ya-Tung) is a member of a criminal organisation. The tattoo on his chest earns him the nickname of ‘Leopard’. Immediately upon Little Kai’s release from jail, his brother is framed and murdered. Suspecting that it’s an inside job, Kai returns to the organisation to see if he can find out root out who is behind his brother’s death.