Chung Biu-Law

This film is a Hong Kong version of the British Carry On films, this one specifically set in a hospital. The hospital is full of inept people, so Miss Kuk (Meg Lam) vows to the board that she will reform it. This involves the recruitment of student nurses, keeping in check some silly interns and dealing with Dr. Chen, whose wife just left him.


Tommy Chen (Leslie Cheung) wants to become a professional drummer. Because of his loud practice sessions at home he gets into trouble with the neighbors and his father. His grandpa and friends support his ambitions, but he struggles to stay determined and keep his self-confidence.


Focuses on two brothers from a rich family, and a poor classmate who pretends he is from the same social class.


Story of young love.


A father seeks revenge from a gang of thugs who raped his daughter and murdered his son.
