Chung Wah

A murderer, with the help of Chinese vampires, does battle with the ghost of a dead gambling lord's wife and the gambling lord's living brother. A cut n paste movie that uses footage from The Stunning Gambling (Taiwan) mixed with new footage.


Respected actor and action choreographer Hsu Hsia didn’t waste his chance to direct — inviting three other kung-fu designers to help on this fight-filled thriller. Wang Yu, co-star of such classics as Dirty Ho and The Kid With A Tattoo, here takes center stage as a young rascal caught between master martial arts actor Jen Shih-kuan (Once Upon A Time In China) and violent Huang Cheng-li (Snake In The Eagle’s Shadow). From there on, it’s one masterful kung-fu bout after another.


The story concerns with Danny Lee's character as a manager of one of Macau's casinos battling it out on the card table to settle a gambling score with a Japanese gambler played by Chen Ping. He enlists the help of Tsung Wa's character and the battle of wits escalates.


Dream Sword is the ultimate weapon in the martial world


During the declining years of Ming dynasty, Mongolians sent secret agents to intrude central China and try to obtain "The Light sword". A mighty sword which can gather all brave wanderers. The son of Lung Chen Ying, master of the Light Sword style, learns of the plot and kills the leader of the secret mission and temporarily stops the Mongolian's ambition.


Meng Fei leads a team of swordsmen to attack the dreaded White Eagle. He's the most notorious fighter in central China who has been wreaking havoc in the martial world and who coverts the thunder storm sword to enhance his power.

After a sudden spike of supply into the drug ridden streets, staunch anti-narcotics cop hellbent on disrupting the flow of drugs beyond the Golden Triangle recruits the help of an attractive young ex-convict to infiltrate a major Thai based drug syndicate controlled by a ruthless drug lord who's expanded their operations into Hong Kong. As our seductive undercover heroine gets inside and rises the ranks to the top, skepticism also rises as the boss' jealous moll smells a plant.


Young man returns from studying abroad to take over management of the large family farm, and falls for the daughter of a tenant farmer. The unique twist is that her pet, best friend, confidante and protector is a cobra - but he hates snakes because his mother was bitten and killed by one when he was a child.


Sun Chung was already a valued comedy, romance, and modern crime filmmaker, when, through this tale of the 100 Poison Clique's obsessive ambition to destroy all rivals, he started bringing morality and motivation to martial arts movies like never before. Kung-fu superstar David Chiang and prominent choreographer Tang Chia lead the cast in a bloody clan clash centered on the trial of an admitted mass murderer and serial rapist. It was just the beginning of Sun Chung's exploration in emotion.


As two rival clans vie for dominance in a martial world where loyalty and honor can be bought and friends become enemies, a peerless swordsman (Chung Wa) discovers that the only thing truly worth fighting for is love.


Watch WANG YU as a one-armed savior battling the local goons in this martial arts classic. He has some rather amazing moves up his sleeve.


Chan is Peng Tianshi, who becomes the "Card Tyrant" in response to the gambling world dominance of the Sha family. But Peng also has a Sha family member blinded in retaliation for an earlier loss, leaving the Sha family with a debt of vengeance that needs to be repaid! Sha Tong (Zong Hua) sets in motion an elaborate plan to make turn the rich and affluent Peng into a penniless former king of the gambling world! But can the "Card Tyrant" be bested?


Director Chu Yuan was one of the new breed of directors at Shaw who raised the bar of martial arts films, by adding compelling storylines and a good dose of drama. Despite being without his regular cohorts Ku Lung and Ti Lung here, Chu shows his master stroke as he delves into the dastardly ways of evil warlords in China back in the 1910’s. Drama and action both take centre-stage as Tsung Hua and Ching Li fall prey to a lecherous general (Stanley Feng Tsui-fan) who rapes and forces the latter to become his concubine. With the help of two street performers (the deft and agile Chen Kuan-tai and Shih Szu) he once helped, Tsung hatches a plot to save his beloved – with deadly consequences.


An office girl and a writer who have taken the same commuter ferry to work and have ogled one another for a long time eventually get to meet. The two have a romance and then a live-in relationship, but the girl's parents are not content with this, and want to see her married.

Renowned director Li Han-hsiang writes and directs the anthology film of four sexy , salacious and scandalous stories . There’s a general’s sedan-chair bearer who dallies with each of the soldier’s four wives until he suffers the fate of Samson , a Japanese pot maker molds his wife’s lover , a courtesan who fools her drunken husband , and a scissors shop owner’s wife who has too many lovers to cut . It is four helpings of lascivious , lewd and libidinous pleasures .


shaw production


shaw production


The aggressive and dangerous Chin empire occupies the put-upon Chao kingdom while the hero-filled Wei empire is paralysed by an indecisive ruler.


shaw production


This is a film about the movie industry, about favors, hooking up etc. It is mostly set in Copenhagen and the story begins with the son of a big producer going to Copenhagen from Hong Kong trying to seal a deal. He gets involved with the Denmark girls.


During the day, Hu Tien lives as a respectable office employee, but when night falls, he unashamedly plunges headlong into an exciting world of lust and sex as a high-class Hong Kong pimp! Thanks to his uncanny knack for setting up prostitutes with "sugar daddies," Hu Tien starts living the high life. Things take an even more dramatic turn when the drop-dead gorgeous Irene (Betty Pei Ti from The Delinquent and Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan) enters the fray. Thanks to Hu Tien's involvement, this rough and tumble new vixen soon finds herself being the center of attention among all the wealthy sugar daddies. But is his relationship with Irene merely business or is there more to it?


Little Bastard searches for the parents who abandoned him as an infant, with the help of Little Beggar. He finds his father, who is a powerful and wealthy manl and is taken in by him and his family. Before long Little Bastard is seduced by his attractive cousin, making Little Beggar very jealous. However, the seduction and family welcome are all part of a nefarious plan.


Chiao Tzu Wei hires a killer under the premise that the local government (run by the local kung fu school) is corrupt and extorting the people of the town. The killer happens to be Hsieh Chun (aka Hsiao Hu) who left town ten years ago. (When Hsieh Chun opens up a suitcase full of knives, you know that there is going to be tons of killing!). Thinking that the local kung fu school is bad, he goes over there to fight them. There is some reuniting of lost friends and some love between two of them. The bad guys are constantly double crossing everyone and this leads to total mayhem and carnage. The final fight scene (which is actually several fight scenes going from one to the next) is incredible, especially the blood soaked finale between the evil Japanese leader of the opium ring and the two brothers.


3 martial arts directors united for this unique anthology film. Yueh Feng writes and directs a clever love-and-kung-fu triangle, Cheng Kang both writes and directs kung-fu courtesans battling brigands, and the ""godfather of the kung-fu film,"" Chang Cheh, creates a cliff-hanging, swashbuckling mini-movie with maxi-action.


No list of the screen's comic geniuses would be complete without Michael Hui Kwun-man. He created a hilarious and lovable comic persona that was both uniquely Asian but also universally beloved. This, his first film, not only showcased his incomparable sense of humor but revolutionized Hong Kong comedy. Evoking Chaplin, he plays a warlord in early 20th Century China, but makes the role his own with both laughs and some of the sexiest ladies on the Shaw Brothers lot.


The Yang family, men and women, have served their country loyally for generations. During the war General Yang is ambushed and killed. His widow and the entire family set out to avenge his death and defend the country.


Two sisters, Ching-ping (Irene Chen I-ling) and Pai-hung (Betty Ting Pei) struggle to find a workable act after their magician father and younger sister leave to try their luck in Taiwan. A good friend gets them cast in a new movie, and the rest is history....


This rare release is set in the cloistered halls of the imperial palace, the home to many ghostly stories of wrongful deaths and lonely spirits, amidst the quiet shuffles of the eunuchs. Pai Ying stars as the titular eunuch, a powerhungry official who is willing to go to any extent to achieve his nefarious goals.


Soon-to-be legendary director Chu Yuan had just joined the Shaw Brothers when he helmed this thriller of bickering bandits. Audiences loved watching three pairs of cunning male and female crooks trying to steal a million gold taels from the Fu Lai Treasury House...not knowing that one of them is actually an undercover hero. Even without him, there's no honor amongst thieves, so the double-crosses and deadly duels come fast and furious, all choreographed by Hsu Erh-niu.


Award-winning actor Ku Feng is Lei Chen-tien, a vicious, cunning, murderous brigand who wants the title treasure. Tsung Hua is Tai Tien-chou, the handsome swordsman who wants to avenge his father's death. Wang Ping is Wu Hsiao-yen, the lovely girl who must disguise herself as a boy to take on this pirate. Tien Feng both directs and co-stars as The Senior Master in this blade and battle-filled adventure of intrigue, treachery, and tragic triumph.


shaw production

The notorious “One-Armed Swordsman” who has spent the last two years retired from the martial world as a simple farmer with his wife. Of course this idyllic life is about to be sliced to ribbons by Chang’s wicked imagination. He concocts a savory setup when he introduces, not one, but eight unique villains known as the Eight Kings of Swords and their sword-wielding entourage for Wang Yu to eventually chop his way through.


Mysterious songstress Fang Biyu is loved by two brothers, Qiwei and Qijun. After freeing herself from the clutches of gangsters, she gives her heart to Qiwei. Tragedy comes knocking on the door when one of the gangsters comes out of prison, and Qiwei dies in a car accident. Blamed for her husband's death, Biyu is forced to go back to singing to make a living, but hopes to reunite with her son and return to the family one day.


Having lost her mother, young girl Bobo (Fung Bo-bo) lives with her honest but incapable father until her stepmother and a wizard conspires to kill her. While escaping, she picks up a magic cup. With the help of the powerful genie in the cup, Bobo embarks on a fantastic adventure featuring giants, magic and treasures. The composited special effects in the film are fascinating: the horizontal ancient well, the giant hand controlled by electricity, the grand palace and the incredible mountain ranges embellish an Aladdin-like story. After its first run in cinemas, this film enjoyed popular second runs, matinees and numerous screenings on television, entertaining many generations of Hongkongers.