Cininha de Paula

Already famous, at the top of his career, owner of his own school of etiquette, Crô sees himself alone and without a family. Lonely and vulnerable, he ends up living at the whim of supposed family, Orlando, Marinalva, Luane and Nando, whose intentions are far from the best. With the inseparable Geni, Magda and Jurema by his side, Crô will embark on an adventure to find his true family while constantly avoiding the venom of the top columnist Carlota Valdez.


A airline family company out of this world.


Suellen (Thalita Carauta) is a cook who works hard to keep her little son, her younger sister and her mother alone. One day, your dreams come true: she splits in two. Her copy, identical physically, has different personality, being much more extroverted and courageous. The idea would be to divide the tasks with the other one, but soon Suellen realizes that the look-alike has plans of its own, and decides to betray the original.


Rio de Janeiro, April 18, 1945. Brazil's foreign policy aligns closely with that of the United States and opens a brief period of democratic rule after the end of World War 2. For years, hundreds of people were arrested and tortured by the Vargas regime. But with the external pressure, several political prisoners gain freedom.


Brazilian comedy about two couples living next to each other in the same building. This show explores the antics between the two couples.


Cobras & Lagartos is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced and aired by TV Globo from April 24 and November 18, 2006, totaling 179 chapters. Featured Mariana Ximenes, Daniel de Oliveira, Lázaro Ramos, Henri Castelli, Taís Araújo and Carolina Dieckmann in the lead roles. The plot was nominated in 2007 for best actor Emmy for his performance of Lázaro Ramos.


Reunited for their mother’s funeral, four sisters – Selma, Regina, Laura and Lúcia – find themselves forced to divide much more than a spacious apartment in Copacabana. While dividing the articles – from the apartment’s sale to splitting a toy tea set – the sisters compare options, destinies, lifestyles, expectations. The divergences are inevitable, because they’ve followed very different tracks. The turbulent sale of the apartment represents a turning point in their lives: they know they have never been so deeply involved as accomplices, or as sisters.


After stirring society by leaving her groom at the alter and going directly to a prostitution house, a young model becomes the city's most famous harlot, known as "Hilda the Hurricane", in the 50's Brazil. She could do fine if it wasn't for Malthus, a young novice said to be a saint, for whom she falls in love. However, the boy is kept under the strict, severe doctrine of Father Nelson, a conservative priest intolerant even to every minor sin. Things start getting harder when Roberto, Malthus' old friend and a communist reporter (the actual author of the story), tries to interview Hilda and disclosure the real reasons behind her radical change of mind. In the meantime, the middle-classes are terrified by the "leftist threat" in Brazilian politics.


The whole story develops from the doctor Martha, who has worked for 40 years, always at the same clinic in Rio de Janeiro. She knows Cris and realizes that she has found a successor. Then begins the friendship of the two, who try to practice their profession with the utmost ethics, despite the owner of the clinic, who is always trying to say, save.


The fun and inspiring journey of a woman, from her 8 to 40 years of age, in search of herself and her own pursuit of happiness. When pressured by her family and society, Suzi becomes different from the sensitive girl she once was. Throughout the years, she interacts with different contemporary feminine archetypes: the married woman, the woman who has attitude, the intelligent woman, the successful woman, the depressed woman, the enlightened woman and the desperate woman. Until she meets with her aunt Suely, the free woman, who makes her revisit her story and connect with her past. Suzi stops living in a way to make others happy and goes back to being her own self. A delicate comedy about a woman, who gets tired of corresponding to others 'expectations and goes after fulfillment in her own terms.