Claes Eriksson

One of Sweden's most successful humor groups of all time; we tell their story. How it all started with small steps of success, radio sketches, folk park tours, setbacks and eventually like an albatross that is difficult to lift, in the end the humor group flies and once it lifts it flies well and long. Still after 40 years, they work together. The film also contains never before shown material, and premieres in connection with the group's 40th anniversary.

"You could have met in the office over coffee and cake to say congratulations, and that would have been that," writes Claes Eriksson in the preface to the 30th anniversary party's program. But that will not be the case...

Sweden's most popular and best comedians were commissioned to make their own sketches based on ten selected themes. It resulted in 10 episodes, 120 sketches, and 300 minutes of Swedish humor.


This movie summarizes Galenskaparna and After Shaves 30 years old companionship. This movie contains a clip for every year for the last 30 years.


C Eriksson Solo is a theater act written and performed by Claes Eriksson. I this play will Claes discover the possibilities of a stage in a funny way.


The making of Galenskaparna & After Shave's stage show 'Alla ska bada'.

What is the state of cinema and what being a filmmaker means? What are the measures taken to protect authors' copyright? What is their legal status in different countries? (Sequel to “Filmmakers vs. Tycoons.”)


Insurance Director Stig Roxby is worth a hundred times more than an ordinary high school teacher. But he doesn't think that's enough, but sees himself forced to work with four other director colleagues to lift the bonus cap to be even more valuable. After some complications, Stig Roxby realize the brutal truth: he has everything but the essentials...


20 years together! That is something to celebrate and that is exactly what Galenskaparna och After Shave did by performing a new play, with completely new material and a set of completely new characters.


Merry Christmas! it says so well, now that it's Christmas again. Christmas concerts or amaryllis, which are most common? We do not know. But we are many who want to be drained on the Christmas spirit. Now this Christmas show is no concert in the traditional sense. We have asked ourselves: Are the little (swedish dancing) frogs really so funny to see? And on this basis we have tried to create a somewhat different Christmas concert, but which we nevertheless assumed Christmas fundamental ingredients. Cast apart After Shave & Galenskaparna do include: Carl Einarsson Häckner The unimaginable orchestra Johan Wellton Lisa Alfgrim with Slam Maltese Button


One act after another, without having anything to do with one another. Just as it should be.


Alla ska bada hade premiär den 4 oktober 1997. Föreställningen tar sin början under mitten av 1930-talet när Frans-Oskar Bryssel föds. Efter ett tag hoppar föreställningen tio år fram i tiden och vi får se honom när han är 10 år gammal. Han spelas då av Per Fritzell. Handlingen hoppar med jämna mellanrum tio år fram tills han äntligen får bada i mitten av 1990-talet. Under hela föreställningen skildras ämnen som var aktuella under just den epok som då utspelar sig i pjäsen. T.ex. under 30-talet skildras andra världskriget och under 80-talet skildras mobiltelefonin.


På ön Åstol är allt frid och fröjd. Där bor omkring tvåhundra människor. En sådan människa är Åke. Han jobbar på öns sillsalteri. Salteriet är Åstolbornas levebröd. En dag dyker salteriets ägare upp, den hemske fabrikör Ivar, och berättar att han har sålt salteriet till en sommargäst som ska riva det och bygga sommarhus istället. Det utbryter en kris på det annars så lugna Åstol. Vad kommer att hända med öborna om deras största inkomstkälla försvinner, hemska tanke. Åke blir övertalad att börja en kurs inne på fastlandet, Tjörn. Tjörn ligger drygt 10 minuter med båt från Åstol, men för Åke blir det en otäck resa till en hemsk värld. Kursen visar sig vara en datautbildning och Åke får en snilleblixt. Han ska sälja sill över internet!


Egil (Knut Agnred) is just an ordinary painter. But one day, when he's about to paint a fence, incredible stuff starts to happen!


A story about Vincent Moro, an almost invisible man that works at a refridgerator factory when USA wasn't the A-nation it is today and therefor was called USB. Vincent has been working at the factory for 20 years when he suddenly finds out that he is fired.


A lot of journeys are never made. Some journeys are made. Some journeys shouldn't have been made. Other journeys should have been made. This journey was made. All across Sweden.


Filmed sketch show by Aftershave och Galenskaparna


Tornado is a Swedish tv-show produced by the comedy group Galenskaparna and After Shave. It was aired on Swedish Television (SVT) between 11th of september and 13th of november 1993.


Grisen i säcken är en av GAS populäraraste produktioner. Den är uppdelad i tre akter: Dansbandsoperan Grisen i säcken, bygdespelet Värmlänningarna kommer tillbaka och slutligen Doktor Haka's rekordrevy (en revy). Föreställningen sågs totalt av 218 000 personer, både Göteborg och Stockholm inräknat.


A congratulatory celebration of Povel Ramel's 70th birthday featuring a cavalcade of great Swedish performers.

The stationmaster is trying to prevent his station from being closed. The train isn't coming and he has to explain to the waiting trainpassengers why it's late, while other people is trying to get the station for their use; for example the italians, who want to make a pizzeria out of it.


Roy and Roger decide to close their gasstation for the summer, to try to find where, what and how their lost father is. Roger also falls in love and much more.


Samuel Plottner is a stockdealer who only wants to get richer, but suddenly things starts to get complicated: His sons meets their longlost mother which not only is after Samuels money, but also can tell them what happened to them the day they were born. The financial expert Benny Hörnsteen is also after Samuels money, and so is the clown Conny Corny and Lennart K. Brons too. How will this end?


Cyklar is a film of a sketch show by the Swedish group Aftershave och Galenskaparna


The weaponfactory in Rotum is selling weapons illegal, a person called 'Leif' writes in the local newspaper. He must be stopped, even if what he has written happens to be true. Gunnar Volt and some of the other workers at the factory sets out to catch him.


Axel Hansson is burning. Burning with enthusiasm. Enthusiassm for trains. So when the decision to close down his station he keeps working and pretends that nothing has happened.

A group of tourists are shown Tjolöholm caste, by a guide (Peter Rangmar), who speaks home made, incomprehensible english.


Macken is a Swedish 6-part musical sit-com that ran on SVT in 1986. It was produced by Galenskaparna och After Shave and was a major breakthrough for the group. Some of the songs from the show became hits on Svensktoppen and a movie was made in 1990. The title translates as "the mack" with "mack" in this case being common Swedish slang for gas station.


A sketch show by Swedish comedy group Aftershave och Galenskaparna.
