Claire Oakley

Ruth travels to a seaside holiday park to stay with her boyfriend Tom. It's off-season, so the resort is mostly deserted, except for a few residents and a handful of staff charged with sprucing up the place. Ruth gradually settles into her new environment, finding work and making a new friend in the form of make-up enthusiast Jade. But one afternoon, while giving Tom's caravan a spring clean, Ruth finds evidence her beau might be cheating on her. As her desire to uncover the truth turns into an obsession, she begins to realise she might be looking for something else entirely.


Rona (9) lives in a run down seaside town where the local power station seems to be sucking all the energy away. Her Mum is ill and her best friend Sandi (9) is planning to run away. When Rona finds the God Particle on the beach she thinks it may hold the energy they all need.


When a young girl, fixated on images of beautiful women, hears her parents go to bed she sets to work on her secret project.
