Clarke Mayer

Set in 1978, "The Uncle Gerry Show" chronicles the chaos of the most successful regional late night entertainer. Gerry Rocco is adored by all. His manager Donnie books the hottest acts of the 1960's and 1970's. Gerry struggles dealing with the temptations of fame, the time period, and a business run with his family, as a budding Italian film director captures the reality of Uncle Gerry's life. In the pilot episode John Lennon and Yoko Ono go head to head with Uncle Gerry.

'Heaven is Now' is a colorful, psychological thriller that journeys into the enigmatic realm of Mira's unconscious as she becomes entangled in a devastating love affair with Penny, the pink-haired, perverse girl-next-door. Her haunting encounters with a woman named Claudia drive Mira into a world of drugs, crime and otherworldly circumstances. Mira's sense of reality blurs further into her dreamworld, as she gets trapped in her inner extremes of both heaven and hell.

A young man takes his beautiful girlfriend to the beach. Chaos ensues.

Nicolas, a photographer in his 20's, very suddenly loses his girlfriend to a car accident she was driving in. Still overcoming the loss, he takes up a sudden and unexpected affair with a girl he barely knows who is addicted to ecstasy. Their relationship slowly comes apart at the seams through sex, drugs, and harping on past mistakes.


A S.W.A.T. team answers a call for a missing police officer sent out on a domestic disturbance call. What they find is anything but routine.
