Claudia di Girólamo

In a town in Chile, a woman leads a frantic search to find her missing sister amid a media storm and the police investigation. Inspired by a true case.


A mother desperate for the disappearance of her son and facing the ineffectiveness of justice to find him, decides to take the reins of the case with his own hands and goes to the mysterious town where his son was last seen.


Yolanda is known as the "Queen of Franklin", the most successful businesswoman in the neighborhood. However, she will see her kingdom in danger when the mother of a past love of hers, Julia Tocornal snatches her "throne", and with it, brings the lover back to her life.


Laura, returns to the hotel where her mother died in strange circumstances, to make justice.


Diana, the widow of an Arab millionaire must share her home with all the women related to latter's life, including her monarchist mother Isabelle, her envious sister Letizia, her two nieces Leonor and Amalia, her employee and a cute kinesiologist.


A young woman from lower class usurps the identity of a woman from high-class to get a job.


An eccentric tale that highlights a female sexologist who hosts a radio show; she falls in love with one of her patients who is a sex addict.


Martín Pells and Sol Costa are a successful couple of TV hosts from a news channel called TV News. This is all a lie of course, their fictional life turns out to be very profitable for the network. Esteban Nuñez, owner of N Noticias, the rival network, tries to get Martín to his own network in order to destroy Franca Andrade, owner of TV News. To prevent this, Franca gets Pells into a comatose state after hitting his head. This leads to finding a second Martín Pells.


The life of a man from an aristocratic family that faces love and death during the Saltpeter War.

After long decades of exile, a leftist former activist returns to Chile to settle accounts with his conscience, related to the death of a colleague and political hero . The task of Atalibar (Sergio Hernandez) is to reveal his secret. But his view clashes with the current country, godless, far from the old ideologies and where all his old colleagues have changed.


In a coastal town, Beatriz Sarmiento is known for her fortune and charisma, also for having lost four husbands in different circumstances. When her lastest husband passes away, Rodrigo appears at her brother's funeral with hidden intentions, unleashing countless conflicts in the lives of the villagers, including Beatriz.


Radio Corazón recreates Chile's most successful radio show of all time. Composed of 3 fun, sexy and romantic short films based on true stories as told by the show's listeners to "Rumpy", an unparalleled radio host.


Four bandit siblings try to take revenge on the landowners who killed their father.


The exiled daughter of an English businessman returns home, in the midst of the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in the Humberstone nitrate office, during the acute 1930s financial crisis.


A caravan of gypsies arrives in Mejillones, Chile, to celebrate the marriage of their patriarch, without imagining that the unexpected arrival of his daughter after two decades, will revive a stormy past.


Catalina Chamorro, is a woman who rejects every wooer interested in her. The matter would not be important if it were not because, according to an old promise of love, Catalina's father, Pedro Chamorro, refuses to give his youngest daughter, Blanca, in marriage until his oldest daugher has married.


An ambitious entrepreneur wants to cut down the forest of southern Chile, but a young ecologist girl will hinder their plans.


A female television journalist has a strange affair with a terrorist.


In 1962, the small town of San Andrés is ruled by morality and good manners. The arrival of a new nun will change everything. Turn everything upside down.


A rich man decides to fake his death in order to save himself from a millionaire debt, before fleeing to Europe for a facial surgery. He leaves his fortune to one of his 3 lovers, while the other 2 and their families have to deal with the ecomic aftermath.


A billionaire and obsessive mother entrusts a woman named Mariana with the job of falling in love with one of her two sons in exchange of a generous monthly check. However, Carmen's wishes will not be easy to fulfill, as both men have totally opposite personalities.


A well-bred young woman who prizes the virtue of fidelity remains faithful to the doctor who deflowers her, even after he marries her invalid sister.


Valeria has decided to make a study about low-income women as her university thesis. The town priest recommends her as subject a hard-working woman who is said to see the future while dreaming. As Valeria goes deeper in her research, she will increasingly commit herself to the reality of Elena, confronting her with her own accommodated status, while she waits for the return of the man she loves and whose promise was to come and look for her even though she was from far away

A man chases success at all costs, by exploiting a false self-image of "winner" and having a "happy family" to promote his businesses.

Centers around the sentimental and existential conflicts of three families from different classes.


Marcia has grown bitter and full of resentment after being framed for murder 20 years ago during a visit to the United States. As soon as she gets out of jail she comes back to Chile to recover what was taken away from her and search the real killer of the incident that costed several years of her life.


Martín Rivas is a poor but distinguished young man, he moves from Northern Chile to study law in the capital. His diminished economic condition forces him to stay at the home of Don Dámaso Encina, leader of a rich Chilean family.


A yearly musical contest organized by the municipality of Viña del Mar, Chile which takes place during the last week of February at the Quinta Vergara Amphitheater since February 21, 1960.


A brutal sexual murder of a minor revolts the anger of the town. On the other hand, a psychologist, Sofia Belmar is not only shocked by the event, but this also brings back some of her more gruesome memories.