Claudio Gallardou

Mariel and her husband, happily married and expecting a baby, are moving from the apartment they currently rent to a larger apartment they have just booked for purchase. She is an architect, and her boss left him in charge of designing how the illumination of a collection of works of art should be. Everything goes very well for Mariel, but at the last ultrasound something is not right. The gestation of his embryo was interrupted. She lives from now on with the death she carries inside.


Two young siblings ended up living on the streets, having nothing left but their love. It's a story about survival, second chances and second falls, with an unexpected turn at the end.


Felipe, an aspiring actor, believes he is jinxed after an unfortunate event. His struggle to find the cause and cure of his jinx. His half-brother is not doing much better, but among the two of them embark on a mission to change their lives and fulfill their father's dream.


Buenos Aires in the year 2002; the economical depression has caught the country. Elsa keeps her head above water through several badly paid jobs and occasional criminal offenses with her friends Walter, Laura and Toni. She's saving money for a ticket to Rome to get out of her life and visit an Italian with whom she had a one night stand several months ago.


Estela Canto and Jorge Luis Borges meet in 1944. She is an intelligent and beautiful woman. He, still an unknown writer, is shy and very attached to his mother. They fall in love, or at least Borges does.


Esteban is a journalist who is escaping to the northern border. In the Buenos Aires of 1978, his life is in danger. The threats after one of his articles in the newspaper and his own inner conflicts push him to run away. But crossing the border is impossible. He comes back to a village near the frontier, where he stays at Father Gabriel's, a priest with ideas and attitudes of mind far from the traditional church. There he will meet Marina and Margarita, who will complete this human group with strong convictions. His stay there will be a definitive experience.


In Buenos Aires of the 1840s, a young Jesuit and a wealthy socialite fall in love and begin a torrid affair. They escape from the city, and, in disguise, set up house in a village, assuming they are safe and beyond the cares of anyone. However, both the church and Camila's family are enraged, vowing to hunt down the lovers for a capital crime. Based on a true story.


A group of high school students make their end-of-year trip to Bariloche. The excursion is complicated when it is discovered that the travel agency that takes them has scammed them
