Colé Santana

The Angel is a millionaire playboy who fights the forces of crime, especially his deadly enemy, the arch-villain Scarlet Scorpion, who recently has kidnapped the fashion designer Glória Campos, who is in love with our hero.


A religious comedy in 5 segments, illustrating maniqueism on Earth, as shown by movies. God and his son Jesus disagree on how to manage human life on Earth.


Botanist is incapable of handling a carnivore plant that turns its victims into vampires. Clumsy detective and his secretary are hired to solve the mysterious deaths happening in a nightclub show.


Two stories chronicle the days of the bohemian, libertine youth of 1960s Rio de Janeiro.


Irreverent adaptation of great writer Machado de Assis's masterpiece "Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas" ("Brás Cubas's Posthumous Memories"). A dead man tells about his love life and adventures, specially his affair with Virgília, a dubious married woman.


Laughed at when he announced the discovery of the elixer of life, Brazilian scientist Expedito Vitus ends up making the most important archaeological discovery of the century: the tomb of Runamb, the Mummy, in the sands of Egypt. Back in Brazil, he brings the Mummy back to life.


The fictional encounter in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (in the 30s) between popular songwriter Lamartine Babo and inconoclast poet and playwright Oswald de Andrade.


A caboclo's soul wanders through purgatory (or hell), visiting many places until he boards a ship whose destination is unknown.


Low-budget comedy of errors about false miracles, Catholic priests, greedy politicians and a prostitute in a small Brazilian town, with popular Brazilian comedy stars of the time.


Dona Xepa is a vegetable stand owner. She dreams about the success of her scientist son. The film is based on the play by Pedro Bloch.


Movie producer Cecílio B. de Milho is intent on filming an epic about Helen of Troy, while some of the crew would rather turn it into a musical comedy.
