Colin Burgess

Shot on an old miniDV camcorder, this debut feature film follows a young college grad as she attempts to “make it” in New York.

I'm on a mission. And that mission, is to jump the Grand Canyon.

A group of friends trying to remake "The Matrix" in a Brooklyn apartment.

Two grown men compete to be the most childish at a friend’s birthday party.

Dad & Step-Dad try their best to connect during a weekend visitation exchange of their 13 year-old boy, Branson.

When you thought nothing could get worse now Lorelei Ramirez makes everything perverted.

Three devoted Cornholio enthusiasts struggle to make ends meet in New York.

A disgraced pop star's road to redemption begins when he assembled a self-serving creative team and pushes three tired teenagers into the spotlight he craves.

While living in his brothers house, Murph tries to keep his brother and his brother's fiancée from seeing the pictures he photoshops of her giving birth to him.

On a visit home to Idaho, Matt documents family dynamics and recalls scattered memories from childhood. “Here We Have Idaho,” is a witty self-portrait about small-scale resentments and feeling undervalued amongst loved ones. He leaves his “high-octane, balls-to-the-wall” life as a New York City alt comic to spend some time with the fam. But soon he learns there’s no room for him to stay in the house — he’s been demoted to sleeping in a trailer in the driveway, a fact that he stews on for days.

Jim and Dave, a dad and a step-dad, have trouble bonding during a 3-day weekend upstate with their son, Branson.


A desperate mother stages the death of the family cat to lure her adult children home for Easter.

A man returns a letter meant for his neighbor but it’s not what it seems.