Constanza Sanz Palacios

A film portrait of Argentinian pianist Margarita Fernández. Medium makes her visible as a mediator, building bridges between past and present, different generations, scores and music, sounds and images, her own art and that of cinema.


Two women who have spent their whole lives together must deal with the illness affecting one of them. The sick woman decides not to have treatment and they move into a cabin in the woods to wait for the day that death will come into their lives. The situation sees the resurfacing of the love that time had buried under the routine. Gradually their relationship will strengthen as death bides its time outside the cabin.


Tania learns that her grandmother spent the last years of her life in the loving company of an alien. Together with two friends, the Trans woman travels through rural Argentina to bring the creature back to its place of origin.


Jack Fuchs is one of the last Holocaust survivors who currently lives in Buenos Aires. With a serene face, relaxed tone and intelligent humor, it is difficult to connect this Pole with that man who was imprisoned for years in concentration camps, including Auschwitz, and who lost his entire family in World War II. Despite the pain, and after 40 years of silence, Jack offers talks and conferences, receives visitors and cooks for his family and friends. Using animation and images filmed by Fuchs himself as resources, the new documentary by Tomás Lipgot composes the portrait of a survivor of the Nazi genocide who, at almost ninety years old, surprises with his lucidity and enchantment.

Follows a man as he silently goes through the desperation of a break-up. He aimlessly wanders the streets, meeting the night people of Buenos Aires; loners, thieves, fugitives, homeless, suicides, lovers and the ghost of the lost lover.


The path of a man to restart his life after a personal tragedy that leads him to leave the city and move to an inhospitable place that allows him to be reborn.


The Island is a real territory, as well as a metaphorical one, a synthesis of the country and of civilization, of progress and injustice. An intensive expression of the human effort to overcome adversity.