Corey Lewandowski

2016 marked a revolution in American politics when a political novice upended the entrenched political classes on both sides of the aisle, and achieved a stunning victory for the forgotten men and women of the nation. Running on a common-sense platform of America First, a revitalized economy, tax cuts, a reinvigorated foreign policy, and a promise to reestablish American sovereignty with immigration reforms, Donald Trump ignited a dormant passion in the hearts of his supporters, and won the presidency in what was arguably the most significant election campaigns in our nation’s history. Trump @War is a retelling of that story and a look forward to the high-stakes midterm election in November, which will help cement his legacy, good or bad.


The true story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the President of the United States. Following the book The Plot Against the President by investigative journalist Lee Smith, this feature length documentary explores new information and additional interview as the case unfolds. The book debuted October 29th, 2019 and instantly became the number one best seller on Amazon across all topics, not just in political non-fiction, where it continues to top charts today.