Cosmina Stratan

A young Romanian woman is snatched in broad daylight from a London street, trafficked to Ireland and used as a sex slave in a series of pop-up brothels. Her shocking true story offers a tense and thought-provoking thriller exposing how, in modern Britain, slavery can hide in plain sight.


Cobain (15) tries to get his pregnant mother Mia to quit her self-destructive lifestyle. When she refuses to clean up her act, Cobain takes over.


Louise and Kasper want to become parents, but Louise cannot have children. She seals a pact with her Romanian maid, Elena, to bear her child, but things don't turn out quite as planned...


A young woman deals with a self-centered, abusive boyfriend.


A drama centered on the friendship between two young women who grew up in the same orphanage; one has found refuge at a convent in Romania and refuses to leave with her friend, who now lives in Germany.


A Jewish teenager who managed to escape from the Nazis and found refuge in the mountains where he took part in an organized resistance movement along with other Jewish of diverse backgrounds and generations.

A meticulous ambulance driver working in poverty-stricken Bucharest, who takes part in an armed robbery together with three men he barely knows. As the robbery ends in disaster, Bogdan starts a thorough, almost compulsive investigation to dig up the true identities of his accomplices, but the more he discovers, the deeper he sinks into a spiral of fear and paranoia.
