Craig Hurley

Every six hundred years, a great evil has the opportunity to escape and unleash Armageddon. A group of five stones has the power to either free the evil, or banish it for another six hundred years. An order of Druids battles with a Warlock determined to unleash his father upon the world.


When a narcotics team sent to bust some drug dealers are massacred. The police department form a special unit of undercover cops whose identities are withheld from the brass, and are only accountable to the leader, a Lieutenant. While they try to bust the dealers, the Lieutenant tries to find out who gave the dealers the information about the bust. And he suspects that it's someone in the DEA.


The Nasty Boys is a television action drama series based on the real life Narcotics Officers of the North Las Vegas Police Department.


Janet recalls the summer during her teenage years when her family moved yet again for her father's job with NASA, including him teaching her to drive and her meeting her first boyfriend.
