Críspulo Cabezas

In the 14th century, Barcelona is experiencing one of its most prosperous moments. The city has grown to La Ribera, a fishing district in which the largest Marian temple ever known is built: Santa María del Mar. But the construction runs parallel to Arnau Estanyol, a serf of the land who, fleeing the abuses of The feudal lords of the countryside take refuge in Barcelona.


Ángela Vidal, the young television reporter who entered the building with the firemen, manages to make it out alive. But what the soldiers don't know is that she carries the seed of the strange infection. She is to be taken to a provisional quarantine facility, a high-security installation where she will have to stay in isolation for several days. An old oil tanker, miles off shore and surrounded by water on all sides, has been especially equipped for the quarantine.


In a near future, after a global war has destroyed civilization, pirate gangs attack and loot surviving people.


Javier Lopez is an actor. Like so many others. Like nobody else.

Javier Lopez is an actor. Like so many others. Like nobody else.


Película española basada en la novela homónima escrita por Juan Bonilla. Simón, un aspirante a escritor frustrado que se dedica a escribir crucigramas para un periódico, recibe un misterioso encargo: debe incluir la palabra Adversario el próximo Domingo de Ramos en su crucigrama, bajo amenaza. Tras acceder a este chantaje, Simón ve como se suceden una serie de catástrofes que le hacen sospechar de su compañero de piso, Sapo, distanciarse de su novia, Ariadna, y buscar la ayuda de María, una compañera del periódico, para investigar estos extraños sucesos. Todo esto ocurre con la ciudad de Sevilla como telón de fondo y durante la Semana Santa más multitudinaria de España, lo que contribuye a la confusión con nazarenos con pistolas láser, juegos de rol en el recinto de la Expo 92 y acusaciones que acaban inculpando al propio Simón de los crímenes cometidos.


Bored 15-year-old school chums Rai Manu and Javi dream of sexual adventures and exotic resorts while the well-off population of Madrid flock to the beaches on a summer holiday. The youths hang around the concrete wasteland killing time by reading the sex classifieds and pushing their luck. They masturbate, thieve, fight with their families and get involved in a drug bust. Finally Rai, the most daring and restless of the trio - gets shot while trying to steal stereo gear from a car. Each adolescent faces a dreary home life but when they get together they enjoy each other's company to the full. The film is an engaging mixture of comedy drama and the pathos of life in a Madrid neighborhood.
