Dace Eversa

Estere spends her days by the sea selling ice cream. Trying to find peace, she listens to meditation podcasts and self-help books. Meanwhile, strangers caressed by the summer sun look for the same in tarot cards, alcohol and the Bible. Estere starts to imitate overheard conversations: stuck in positive self-verbalization, she repeats it until she believes it.

A young woman on a train. The same young woman in an old house peeling potatoes, or hanging the laundry out to dry. She's alone but not for long. Potential buyers infiltrate the peace and serenity that surround both the house and the protagonist. The images tell the story and with the little information we get, we know just enough.

Imants is a security guard at a small town store. He is always nice, honest and truthful and would not let anything happen to the store and to the people that are working there, until one night when his honesty and truthfulness are set to a test. He has been given a choice – stay and be dishonest with himself or leave and open has hart to love. The choice seems easy, but it takes some courage to step out of a place where you have been for ages.

A brother and a sister come to visit their grandmother in the countryside to attend their father's funeral. It takes just a few days of being in the middle of nowhere for things to get out of control.

Throughout her life Marga has shown little feeling for her daughter Sofia. But now she reveals fear, wounds and a deep longing for her long-deceased husband Juris. She becomes increasingly lost in her forgetfulness and suddenly demands, like a child, gentleness. It’s an uncomfortable situation for Sofia who must now take care of her mother. Sofia’s growing realization that Marga’s past also affects her own gives Sofia impetus to make a sudden journey with her mother to Riga. This is where Marga grew up and where she married Juris. But the more Sofia learns about her mothers, the less clear it becomes who she herself is.


A somber night has fallen on Latvia. The greedy and depraved Dr. Snout, who cares only for power and his personal lewd recreations, has taken over. Many Latvian folk heroes have been arrested and subjected to sadistic humiliation, while others are declared to be wanted criminals. The legendary Bearslayer, who fell into the Daugava river while battling the Black Knight, has risen from the depths to change Latvia's destiny.

Peter is just another peter, so very ordinary. He works at the office where colleagues make fun of him, the boss makes sexual advances and the sick mother harasses him at home. Step by step his life becomes completely unbearable. Once by a chance Peter happens to try magic mushrooms and this adventure turns into new move towards a different life.


One of the iconic Latvian movies. Based on Astrid Lindgren's book 'Emil of Lönneberga'. A story of a little boy, Emil, who, according to others is incredibly naughty, but actually Emil is a lot more kind hearted than all the rest. And everything he does is to help someone. But somehow it all the time turns out like a prank. His family won't agree with any pranks on themselves, so there goes Emil in his father's tool shed, where he's locked up for every prank. Includes the phrase - 'the main idea is to keep your feet warm', which has been adapted in Latvian culture, so it's already a saying.


A runaway bride, a young peasant, mysterious illusionists and a manic investigator become entwined in a murderous affair at a Baltic German baron's manor.
