Dacia González

The story of Renata Flores del Angel, a young woman from a wealthy family who falls for Pablo Ramos, the foreman of her father's estate.


When Paula leaves her mate Pedro, he misses her and looks for comfort with his best friends, Javier and Sonia. Paula is having an affair with Javier. The cuckold Pedro tries to find who is the secret lover of Paula, and hires a private eye. Meanwhile, while comforting Pedro, Sonia has one night stand with him and Javier thinks she is cheating him with her lesbian friend Lucia.


In the XIX century, Griselda is an actress who knows a pianist named Orlando. He takes her to live at the mansion of Eloisa, his mother. Griselda soon discovers that the entire family is completely insane.


Mexican feature film

Realizing that he's out of touch with "the common people," a Mexico City politician spends a weekend slumming among the plebes he's supposed to represent.


Mexican vampire movie.

Unsympathetic portrait of a man who's too macho to display his feelings.


Parody of the Zorro-styled "noble bandit" story.


In the storm is a Mexican film of the year 1980 directed by Fernando Vallejo. The film is about the time of La Violencia in Colombia. Vallejo wanted to make the film in Colombia, however he found numerous obstacles to film it in the country so he decided to do it in Mexico with Mexican actors and recreating the Colombian landscapes in that country.


Little girl with very visible spinal injury is given second-class treatment by her able-bodied family. Years pass...

Footloose roving-gambler type marries a young woman against her father's wishes; she assimilates herself to his rootless, random lifestyle, but her family is working to track them down. Eventually, he decides to settle down and lead a more responsible life, home-and-family style... and then...

Construction worker falls in love with a handicapped woman who aspires to a career as a singer.


Door-to-door salesman of beauty products gets involved in comical misadventures and riotous high jinks. Also throwing buckets of water and handfuls of colored goop.


The rich landowner La Tigresa suffers several attacks and seeks help from Santo. The attacks continue but Santo protects and she falls for him.


Orphan girl grows up to take revenge on the men who killed her parents.


Five inmates escape Death Row and hole up with their women in the ruins of an abandoned hacienda.

A humorous adventure story about two boys chasing after their dog who was kicked out of the church, and facing all kinds of, some real and some imagined, trouble, both for them and the dog.


Small-town doctor bitten by rabid dog, races the clock to get to the city and receive treatment.


Series western -- cowboy hero "Martin Romero, el Rapido."

Foreign mining concern resorts to illegal tactics to buy up land; two brothers are orphaned and dispossessed and they become outlaws in revenge.


Ranchera comedy: three guys compete for the farmer's daughter.


Four expert marksmen compete in a target shooting competition. Each has a back-story that explains why he really really really needs the prize money.

Two boys and two girls hook up at the big festival in a neighboring town. Once they get back home they have to deal with their families' plans for them, which may not include their new sweethearts.


Adventure story,. set in the Venezuelan jungles.

Singing duo waiting for their big break, committing petty crimes to get by. Adopting a baby and meeting a priest's niece are civilizing influences.

Two wandering cowboys are falsely accused of murder.


Driven from their homestead by bandits, three brothers and sisters form an outlaw crew of their own and hide out in the mountains, orchestrating their revenge.


Two sisters. They ride horses, they wear black dominos, they carry bullwhips. Their dad was... Third of three movies in unofficial series; the first two didn't explicitly reference Zorro.


The comical misadventures of two brothers who are part of the local soccer team and their family.


A widower arrives in Puerto Rico with his son Angelito. The father dies and the boy goes to live with his grandfather who plays guitar in the streets. Angelito accompanies him singing and earns good money, but a political uncle accuses the grandfather of exploiting the boy and takes him to an orphanage.

Sequel to Maria Pistolas. Comic-tomgirl member of Villa's army has boy trouble.

Cowboy-hero B-western with comical overtones. First of two in series.

Working class family owns a restaurant: one brother's a rising star in local soccer, one's a priest/semi-pro boxer, sister's an aspiring ranchera singer and the other brother's a waterboy at the stadium.


A deaf and mute vagabond finds a large denomination bill in a Mexico City dump, and while he tries to buy something with it, others try to con him into giving it away. The film was selected as the Mexican entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 36th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.


Aurelio is a shark fisherman who works on the coast of Tabasco, Mexico. He works hard and sends money to his wife and children that live in Mexico City. He seems very happy in the coast --he even has a romance with a native girl-- although he misses his family. One day he decides to go back to Mexico City where his brother in law is waiting to invite him into a busines. Aurelio never gets to fit his new life in the city where "even the bed is soft". He decides to turne back where the life he loves is


Zorro-inspired sister act, black dominos and bullwhips. Second of three in unofficial series.

Two Zorro gals fight crime.


Tomboyish gal becomes a player in the Mexican Revolution. Then: boyfriends.

Romanticized version of Javier Solis' biography, from working-class roots to boxer to musician.


Third film of a trilogy -- all the secondary tasks have been completed and cowboy-justice-action-hero El Norteno settles the score with those cheating cheaters who deprived the young heiress of her inheritance.

Bush-league actor allows two adorable grannies to believe he's their long-lost grandson. Then: complications!


Three con-artists chase after the absconded girlfriend of one and butt heads with two female swindlers working the same marks.


Young lawyer is mistaken for music professor and goes to live at a boarding school for young women.


Three good guys vs a bad dude who sells weapons to the Apaches and provokes a range war between US Cavalry and a splinter group of tribesmen, breaking the standing treaty between their tribe and the invaders. Sequel to Los Hermanos Diablo.

Papa and the butler try to find an acceptable husband for daddy's spoiled little girl.

Some unlucky accidents cause an innocent person to be convicted to jail time, and on release he can only find gainful employ in a criminal gang... but a little girl in a house he breaks into rehabilitates him with her innocence and simplicity. And stuff.

In his eagerness, to be movie extras, Tin Tan and his carnal Marcelo police get into trouble, among other entanglements.


Two gormless truckdrivers vs five teenaged girls running away from boarding school. And policemen. And chinese resterateurs. And gringo tourists. And etc.


Casimiro, night watchman at a wax museum of horrors, is even more sleepy than his usual laziness makes him - because his boss, the Professor, is secretly draining blood from him while he dozes to use in experiments in raising the dead. These haven't worked so far, and the bodies have been waxened and placed on display in the museum to cover his crimes. His big chance seems to come, however, when he learns that the mummified body of a modern man has been found in an Egyptian sarcophagus. The professor and his two henchmen steal the body and take it back to his lab - where the experiment flops again.


Ambitious non-starter gets a job as a bill-collector at a beauty-products company and tries to bluff his way into a management position, then tries a couple of other business schemes with minimal success.


Cowboy/western: hero fakes cowardice to trap the bad guys into showing their hands.

Poetic-type dude gets mixed up with gangsters, a millionaire's dog and some stolen jewels.

The three Diablo brothers are effete dandies who love chamber music and afternoon tea... but they also love brawling and whoring and all that wild west stuff. They inherit a ranch, and all hell breaks loose when they go to take ownership of it.


Son of a ranching family returns home after studying in the city for a law degree. He sides with the peons in a labor dispute and his father disowns him; he sets up a law office in another town. First of three movies in a masked-avenger series.