Dagoberto Rodríguez

Young man returns to his childhood home-town, planning to git the people that killed his father.


Legendary masked wrestler El Santo must stop a criminal gang.


Know what this is about?


Traveling salesman's amoral/sometimes criminal behavior catches up with him after he settles in at his brother's vinyard.

A woman hires four gunmen, Trinidad, Doc, Satan and The Renegade to rob a bank, but things don't work out as planned.


Lawyer and his secretary enter into a midlife marriage, deal with complications coming from their adult children and the former partners of each.


In his home-town, he's a respectable rancher... but out on the range he's a hitman for hire. His son finds out about his double life, and...

A humorous adventure story about two boys chasing after their dog who was kicked out of the church, and facing all kinds of, some real and some imagined, trouble, both for them and the dog.


Wrestling superhero Mil Máscaras battles bad guys.


A wrestler tries to break up a covey of vampires, led by the King of Vampires.


Three parallel romances among young people working in a steel mill.


Mil Mascaras investigates a nest of fifth-columnists operating out of a carnival (!) led by a Nazi (John Carradine) attempting to resurrect the Third Reich posing as a circus clown .


Three bad dudes are each hot for Lupe. They kill a guy while committing some crimes together, and that guy's brother goes gunning for them. Eventually, he meets Lupe; she helps him track down the killers and a thing develops between them.

Witch Salome wants revenge. Only her riders can do it.


After USA's appropriation of Texas, a Mexican resident responds to prejudice and injustice by forming a band of bandits.


El Cachorro is falsely accused of two murders; right after he's arrested flor those crimes, another murder is committed and he has to clear himself of that accusation. We never find out what happened about the first two deaths.

Crooked dude schemes to deprive stepdaughter of her inheritance after her mother dies.

The ring possessed "Angel" and "Satan" not accept under any circumstances the trickery proposal with "Tarzan Beto" idol of the moment.


Western comedy - sheriff faces bad guys.


Three outlaws get arrested, and the fourth tries several times to break them out of jail. Also, there are can-can girls.

Episodic film in which a masked hero combats a trio of classic monsters.


Two ranchers competing over a woman. Cult actor Noe Murayama plays a mentally handicapped character.


Widowed farmer remarries so his children will have a mother. But then...


B-movie western, sequel to El solitario.


Sixteenth century swordsmen adventure.


Evil aristocrat covets his brother's wife, swordsman-for-hire comes to her rescue.

A rare and impossible to find Mexican adventure / fantasy / horror.

The bad guy's trying to push through a land-speculation deal and force his sister to marry someone against her wishes. The good guy interferes.


Itinerant gunslinger poses as local gal's fiance to protect her from an itinerant blackhat.

Zorro-inspired sister act, black dominos and bullwhips. Second of three in unofficial series.

Two Zorro gals fight crime.


Police procedural, structured like a TV cop show with three independent half-hour episodes.

Masked horseman avenges the deaths of family members and resolves questions about a contested inheritance. One of four in a series ("Relampago").

Western, first of two in series. Sequel: Alias El Alacran.

Rosina is frustrated by her engagement to millionaire John Johnson III, a fussy, domineering, control freak. The night before her wedding, she goes out dancing with her maid María, María's husband Tomás, and their friend Gordillo. When Rosina learns Gordillo is a sailor on the yacht owned by Mexican film star José María Beltrán, she decides to stow away and sail to Mexico to be with her grandmother.

Bad hats try to manipulate townsfolk and neighboring Apache tribal settlement into a range war.

Troubled young man meets his father for the first time.


Bad Comanches persuade good Apaches to go on the warpath.

All it says in my notes is "Like 'Juan Sin Miedo', only with soldiers." So... Army officer seeks revenge for... something...


Young man puts on the Black Mask Of Vengeance to solve some tangled legal problems concerning a contested inheritance and several murdered family members. It took him four feature-length movies to do it. (Series: "El Relampago.")

A cabal of bad-hats is conspiring to dispossess the local Indians of their hereditary lands, but Pancho fights to defend them... while a messenger is securing copies of some needed legal documents. Etc. Second film of four in the series "Pancho Pistolas."

Satan tries to corrupt mortal man by gifting him with an enchanted tie-tack. First of four in a series.


One-armed man tracks the people who killed his father.


Three childhood friends are reunited after twenty years to receive an inheritance.


Final four episodes of Pancho Pistolas serial, reedited into feature format. PP finally thwarts the Four Bad Brothers in their plan to take over the lands belonging to local indigenous tribe and in getting that territory restored to tribal governance.

Masked horseman avenges the deaths of family members and resolves questions about a contested inheritance. One of four in a series ("Relampago").

La Calavera Negra concerns a bunch of small Mexican town who must contend with a mysterious, disruptive figure known as the Black Skull. Many different people attempt to uncover the truth behind this frightening phenomenon. (Rotten Tomatoes)


Young gunslinger gets his hero on. #2 in a series ("El Puma.")

Cowboy revenge-drama, paired with a love triangle between two Mexican fellers and a rather unpleasant gringa.

Son of a ranching family returns home after studying in the city for a law degree. He sides with the peons in a labor dispute and his father disowns him; he sets up a law office in another town. First of three movies in a masked-avenger series.

Gambler faces comical mishaps trying to pay off a poker debt.

Romantic rivalries and violence on a tropical island.


Masked horseman avenges the deaths of family members and resolves questions about a contested inheritance. One of four in a series ("Relampago").

Masked rider clears up the mysteries surrounding the ownership of two haciendas and the disappearance of a young heiress' father.


Bad-hat townsfolk want to dispossess local Indians of their tribal lands; priestess and white ally fight back. One of four in a series.


Mother and son conspire against his sister when she marries against their wishes.

Sequel to "Los bandidos de Rio Frio," reopening all the subplots from the first movie to make each of the narrative arcs swing unmistakably to justice.


Luis Aguilar heads the cast in this story of a band of outlaws whose exploits are more fun than negligible.


Spoiled rich girl has massive temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way; a business associate kidnaps her to his private island to teach her a lesson and also tempestuous tropical love connections.


Father and adult sons give help to an orphaned teenage girl.

Local gal in a fishing/seaport resort has to decide between a local fisherman and a doctor who comes for vacations.


After breaking out of jail, a group of convicts finds a ghost town they can take possession of. They send word out along the grapevine that criminals and marginal people can make a home there... and as the population grows, their self-policing efforts turn the whole town into a model community.


Horse-trader gets absorbed into Pancho Villa's battalions, becomes a spy.


Farmhand and plantation-owner's daughter fall in love, but class differences and stuff.

Two brothers and their pops end up helping out an orphaned young woman who wants revenge against her father's murderer.

Young actress advances her career by choosing boyfriends judiciously.


Couple with preteen children break up; Dad meets a new woman and they marry. The children grow up, and they're spoiled-y rich kids flirting with criminal lawlessness. Cue the violins.


Two brothers: one's a cop, one's a gangster.


Masked avenger on horseback. Again.

Masked avenger rights wrongs in his home town. Second of four in a series.


Masked justice on horseback. #3 of four.


Raquel's life is turned upside down when a terrible accident results in the death of her child and the confinement of her husband to a wheelchair. Without any way to support her and her disabled husband, Raquel turns to a life of crime and partners with a petty thief named Paco who falls in love with her.


The playboy Roberto "El Suavecito" takes very comfortable working relationship with Lupita, despite his constant infidelities. One night in a ballroom, "El Suavecito" fight with the driver Carlos. After making peace, "El Suavecito" invites the betting parlor Carlos "El Nene", a dangerous gangster. There he commits a crime and Carlos is wrongly accused. Coward, "El Suavecito" sells his silence to "El Nene", but regrets not allow you to keep your promise for long.


Shortly before a nightclub artist leaves Mexico for an international tour, she's witness to a murder. Shortly after she leaves, she's named as a suspect in the crime, and her husband, assuming she's guilty, turns his back on her. The-e-en...


A beautiful cabaret dancer falls in love with a sailor who promises to return and marry her. Trouble ensues.


Two small-town hell-raisers get so out of hand the authorities have to step in to rein them in.


Hero on horseback protects a family and their farm from human predators.


Night shift at police headquarters; criminals and victims of all sorts pass through to get their cases sorted out.


Three soldiers desert the Revolution to put a plan into action to reclaim the estate that was usurped from one of them. Plan involves kidnapping the usurper's daughter...

Young peasant woman allows an army officer to woo her, as a way of drawing attention away from her father's insurgent connections... while her own affections are torn between two brothers.