Daisy Campbell

A British-German silent drama film directed by Henrik Galeen


A man betrays his best friend, a member of a terrorist organisation, to the authorities and is then pursued by the other members of the organisation.


The luminous Maria Corda stars as the eponymous Tesha, a celebrated Russian dancer who marries an Englishman (Thomas). The couple long for a child but after five years of happy marriage, remain childless. On a trip to Southampton Tesha succumbs to a brief fling with a stranger (Cavanagh), unleashing a barrage of unforeseen consequences and emotional turmoil. The superb cinematography is by the great German cinematographer Werner Brandes who worked on dozens of prestige British productions in the 1920s. Originally shot silent, sound was added in 1929.

A Lady adopts a runaway slum girl who resembles her own dead daughter.


An Earl's reformed son fakes a relapse on learning his sweetheart loves another, and dies saving his life.

An IRA man races to Dublin to warn his colleagues of a forthcoming raid, but he is captured by British forces.


A young woman doesn't want to get married, but simply live together with the man she loves. This leads to problems when the man dies and she's left with a child.


A country girl inherits, weds a Duke, and meets her dead brother's family.