Damian Hardung

When a small-town con artist joins the local mafia with his manipulative brother, his obsession with balancing his karma gets hilariously brutal.


Young Nora from Berlin wakes up from a coma after taking a new party drug and can no longer remember anything. When investigators Nique Navar and David Leonhart find out that numerous teenagers have disappeared as part of the spread of the party drug "Bliss", Nora begins to investigate. She uncovers an uncanny conspiracy: Aliens use the drug to use the bodies of their victims as hosts.


Northern Italy, 1327. The Franciscan monk William of Baskerville and his young apprentice Adso of Melk reach an isolated Benedictine abbey on the Alps to aid in a dispute between the Franciscan Order and the Avignon papacy. Upon arrival at the abbey, the two find themselves involved in a chain of mysterious deaths.


Four troubled friends who despite the feeling that they live standardized lives share a flat under the sceptical looks of their neighbours.


17-year-old Cyril is funny, smart and an all-round good guy. Just his somewhat overlarge nose spoils the picture. On a school trip to Berlin with Roxy, a stunning new classmate, Cyril is not the only one taken with her. Benno, the class Casanova has his eye on the girl too and makes a nasty wager. Roxy is more interested in the introverted Rick, who is not only shy but also slow. Cyril hastens with his spoken word skills to Rick's aid, and falls head over heels in love with Roxy himself. So whose brave heart will win the fair lady?


They once played together in a band called Chix and were inseparable. Today, each of them has their own problems.


Based upon the Catalan drama series Polseres vermelles, the series focuses on a group of teenagers living together as patients in a hospital's pediatric ward.


The balance of nature is in danger and only Clara and her friend have the heart to solve the secret of the bears and to break a centuries-old spell.


A woman's life unravels as the predator preying on her daughter online destroys her life via online sabotage.


Alex ist Anfang 30, smart und gut aussehend, und wickelt die Frauen reihenweise um den Finger, braust danach aber genauso schnell wieder in seinem Sportwagen davon. Feste Beziehungen kennt er nicht, Teamplay kommt in seinem Wortschatz nicht vor, und „Frauen verstehen“ tun definitiv andere. Als seine diversen Gespielinnen gemeinsam Rache nehmen, kommt es zu einem erstaunlichen Ergebnis: Nach einem traumatischen Vorfall erwacht Alex in einer Welt, die nur von Frauen bevölkert ist. Schlimmer noch: Er selbst wird ebenfalls als Frau wahrgenommen. Und statt Sex wird lieber gekuschelt, Kinder bekommt man, wenn man sie sich ganz doll wünscht, es wird ganz viel geredet und kaum gestritten, alle nehmen Rücksicht aufeinander und schweben auf einer Wolke der Harmonie. Ausgerechnet jetzt entwickelt er für eine Frau Gefühle. Denn langsam aber sicher schleicht sich Paula in sein Herz. Doch wie nur soll er ihres erobern? Irgendwie muss er ihr zeigen, dass er mehr ist als ihre beste Freundin...
