Dan Crimmins

A loose biopic based on the life of Gilded Age tycoon "Diamond" Jim Brady.


In Haiti, a wealthy landowner convinces a sorcerer to lure the American woman he has fallen for away from her fiance, only to have the madman decide to keep the woman for himself, as a zombie.


In this comedy-western, based on the life of Henry Irving Dodge, our cowboy hero keeps his tongue firmly planted in his cheek as he goes up against a town run by such women as newly elected sheriff, Carrie Patience. Hoping to restore some masculinity to the sheriff's office, Gibson stages a series of fake hold-ups but is soon upstaged by a real crook


Bryce Cardigan struggles to protect his Redwood inheritance from a railroad-owner, who is also the guardian of the woman Bryce loves.


A section boss for the railroad sets out to catch a gang of thieves who have been stealing ore shipments from his company's trains.

Maggie, a headlining comedienne with the Follies, takes a fall off the stage into the orchestra pit and lands on the drum of musician Al Cassidy. One thing leads to another, they fall in love and get married. Al becomes a famous songwriter and Maggie stays home and has children. One day Al is hired to write a big number for Selma Larson, one of the Follies' most beautiful stars, and falls for her.


The Midnight Express (1924)


The story of a man -- accused of a crime he didn't commit and wounded by the posse -- who hides out on a desert ranch.

Leon Errol comedy produced by George Kleine


Played mostly for laughs, this silent Western featured the"The Mediator," a drifter who manages to restore peace both within a family and between miners and their powerful employer.

Crook Bennett Barton uses pretty Joan Granger as bait to blackmail millionaire John Warren.

The "Black Hound" band of desperadoes abduct a candidate for governor and demand a heavy ransom for him, but the hero and the girl lead a successful rescue party.

Roscoe and Buster operate a combination garage and fire station. In the first half they destroy a car left for them to clean. In the second half they go off on a false alarm and return to find their own building on fire.


Once to Every Woman (1920)

When a circus troupe comes to a small, extremely conservative New England town, the residents go to their minister to have him protest the scandalous fact that the female tightrope walker wears a pair of pink tights. When she has an accident and is forced to recuperate at the minister's house, he has to hide her in order to avoid even more of a scandal. Mazie Darton, a high-wire performer with a traveling circus, longs for a peaceful country life. Forced to stay in a small town while laid up with an injury, Darton is spurned by the conservative townspeople. Rev. Jonathon Meek, the local parson, befriends the circus troupe, especially Darton. But he, too, opens himself to criticism from his flock, who protest his closeness with the show people. Eventually, Darton's boyfriend arrives and the pair become closer. The parson fades from the scene as a possible mate for Darton, who ends up winning the hearts of the townspeople.


Musty goes for a day's fishing, but bites are scarce and he whiles away the time reading an exciting story entitled "The Bold, Bad Pirate." He goes to sleep sitting on the edge of a bridge and dreams of hidden treasure and dark deeds on the Spanish Main.

Jude Hunter (Katherine Hughes) is a committed musician who is in the middle of preparing for the biggest and most important performance of her life. When mysterious, unprecedented, and seemingly connected deaths occur as the competition draws near, she begins to feel unsafe, thinking that she might be the next target.

Musty Suffer visits a "painless dentist"


Musty, messenger boy, is assigned to deliver a cook stove to a certain address. In spite of the fact that there is no one home and the house locked up, Musty takes the stove in through the window.


Musty Suffer dreams of being subjected to psychological experiments by unethical doctors.


Musty Suffer gets a job as a chef and waiter at an automat restaurant. Various customers attempt to filch food or money from the coin slots, and Musty deals with the situation.


Musty Suffer gets a job as a bell hop at a cheap little hotel, the Outside Inn.


Musty is standing around in a state of confusion, so his fairy godfather appears to find him a job as a general factotum at an amusement gallery. Musty serves as a bootblack, a ticket-taker, a target at the shooting gallery and a rope to block off a non-working escalator.


Musty Suffer as a golf caddy.

Musty holds down a job in Mole and Kittleton's dime museum. Musty seems to be the sole employee about the place, and whatever is called for by any of the patrons, he has to supply it. He is placed in charge of the cane rack, and of course, cheats so that the customers get no canes. One irascible old fellow complains to the manager, who upbraids Musty for his dishonesty. As soon as the customer leaves the manager congratulates himself on having so business-like an employee.

Musty holds down a job as general factotum at the Busy Bee Amusement Arcade, one of his chief duties being that of taking tickets at the entrance to the moving stairway which leads to the cinema theater on the second floor.

Musty Suffer as a bell-boy.