Dan Sonney

A documentary about the history of exploitation films that focuses on the careers of legendary producers David F. Friedman and Dan Sonney.


Actor Ned Beatty hosts a look at the genre known as "exploitation" films. Interviews with some of the producers and directors of these films are shown, along with scenes from and trailers for some of these films.


The director of a failing summer camp decides to invite campers from ten years ago for a free weekend event, hoping that he can trick them into fixing up the place and also get their families to provide them some financial support. The boys and girls return to the camp and play pranks on each other and try to score with the other campers and the staff.


A private detective journeys to Africa to find a legenday white gorilla. The gorilla turns out to be an escaped Nazi war criminal.


During Prohibition, two gangsters go to war with each other. (Plus, sex!)


A short burlesque act with comedians and strippers, shot in 3D


Reclining on her chaise lounge in a see-through robe, Lili St. Cyr decides she needs a wash. In a gilded tub fit for Marie Antoinette, she bares all that the law will allow. Then she squeezes into an evening gown and mink coat to paint the town red with you, dear viewer! Well, a guy can dream. This color "ballet pantomime" afforded Average Joes a chance to see its star's "celebrated Bubble Bath, exactly as presented on the world famous Sunset Strip in Hollywood." Burlesque performer and pin-up legend St. Cyr was the most famous striptease artiste of her day, living up to her scandalous image with a well-publicized private life that included no less than six stormy marriages and numerous rumored celebrity affairs. (Dennis Harvey, Fandor)


Filmed record of a burlesque show, with Sunny Knight ("The Golden Girl of the Golden West") as the headliner.
