Dan Witt

A sleepy Oregon village turns deadly when Adam, introducing himself as an English professor working on his first novel, befriends Kate and Mike, a brother and sister trying to put their lives back together after the death of their father. The two welcome the stranger, unaware that their actions will lead them down a dangerous path into the mind and grip of a deadly serial killer.


When a physician is murdered, his eldest daughter is accused of the crime, but the man's seductive new wife may not be all that she appears.


A loopy mother locks her teenage daughter in her room after allegedly showing signs of being crazy. Over a decade later, somebody finally investigates, removes the daughter from the mother's care, and attempts to rehabilitate the daughter.


When a man ends a regretful love affair that occurred during his wife's illness, his mistress plots revenge by targeting his family's most treasured possessions, a priceless painting and his son.
