Dana Ghia

At the end of the Civil War, a Union soldier is released from prison and travels with a fellow prisoner to Missouri where his travelling companion is shot and hung for horse stealing. California decides to take the dead companion's belongings to his family's ranch, where he falls in love with his friend's sister. But then the "ghosts" of the war return in an unexpected way haunting him again.


Nine people sail a yacht to a deserted rocky island for a holiday in old Uberto's villa. The host is accompanied by a group of family members. The men's only thought seems to be having sex with anyone else's wife. One by one, the guests are killed by an unidentified assailant; Elisabetta, half-mad, claims it's the ghost of Charlie, her lover, who had been killed twenty years before by Uberto and his two sons. The survivors cannot leave the island ( the yacht has disappeared) and are easy prey for the murderer. Vincenzo, now the only one left, discovers the truth...


Free Hand for a Tough Cop (Italian: Il trucido e lo sbirro, also known as Tough Cop) is an Italian poliziottesco-action film directed in 1976 by Umberto Lenzi. In this movie Tomas Milian plays for the first time Sergio Marazzi aka "Er Monnezza", a role that he later played several more times, in Lenzi's Brothers Till We Die (1978, a sort of sequel of this movie), in Destruction Force by Stelvio Massi (1977), in Uno contro l'altro, praticamente amici by Bruno Corbucci (1980), in Francesco Massaro's Il lupo e l'agnello (1980).


The titular medallion is a gift presented to young Nicole Elmi. Once the girl places the gift around her neck, she is possessed by the spirit of a dead child who was a murderess.


Angela is not happy about her daddy's choice for a new wife and does everything she can to destroy her stepmother-to-be.


In this movie a writer comes to stay at an island resort and gets involved with a teenage lolita who is there with her parents and rather malicious best friend. She teases the older man mercilessly--going to a hotel and dancing with him naked and then suddenly getting dressed and running off to a party with a young American guy. But it's not so much because she is malicious, but because she is really an insecure virgin. Finally, he gives up on her after his beautiful wife (Barbara Bouchet) shows up. But the younger woman becomes jealous and is not going to give up so easily. . .


In a small Scottish village, horribly murdered bodies keep turning up. Suspicion falls upon the residents of a nearby castle that is haunted by a curse involving a killer cat.


This fast-moving tale revolves around the kidnaping of a boxer's daughter. The boxer pays the ransom money but the girl is still not released. Her boyfriend decides to get her back his own way.


Following the mysterious decapitation of an insurance investigator, Police Inspector Peretti is put onto the case, but all the clues lead to an unsolved case of kidnapping and murder.


Teenaged Nancy Thompson arrives unexpectedly at her mothers county villa. She discovers that her mom has died a violent death.The police investigate and believe the she killed herself by cutting her throat with a piece of broken of glass.Nancy meets and becomes friends with Gina who was her mothers best friend and who has a special relationship with her stepfather.Soon the older man turns his roving eye toward this young beauty as suspicion about the suicide starts to come to light.


When a young female student is savagely killed in a park during a thunderstorm, the culprit seems obvious: TV sports personality Alessandro Marchi, seen fleeing the scene of the crime by numerous eyewitnesses. The evidence against him is damning... but is it all too convenient? And when the killer strikes again while Marchi is in custody, it quickly becomes apparent that there's more to the case than meets the eye...


A couple of two-bit thieving brothers try and keep a promise to their dying father: stick together and become successful outlaws. Bambino reluctantly agrees to show younger Trinity the ropes, but their gentle demeanors tend to diminish their haul by repeatedly helping the selfsame family they initially held up. Fun ensues in town and at the local Spanish mission where they are taken for federal agents, mistakenly so identified by Trinity's young love interest, daughter of the aforementioned family.


After discovering her boyfriend for the past four years is married, a distraught and depressed young woman turns to a Catholic priest for counseling -- and finds mutual attraction. Now the inseparable couple are thwarted by his holy vow of celibacy, and must rely on the Vatican for a solution to their dilemma.


The professional mercenary Sir William Walker instigates a slave revolt on the Caribbean island of Queimada in order to help improve the British sugar trade. Years later he is sent again to deal with the same rebels that he built up because they have seized too much power that now threatens British sugar interests.


Giordano is a young man from Milan who accepts a ride from a married American couple sightseeing in Italy. The husband is an older and worldly professor of archaeology while his wife is interested in exploring living things. The young hitchhiker is seduced by the beautiful wife, while her husband continues to gaze at ancient ruins.


A police commissioner in a little town in the Italian Venetian province investigates a prostitution ring run by two pensioners; during his investigations he also learns that a former manicurist shacks up with ten students, the prefect's daughter prostitutes to keep her pimp, a famous doctor has sex with his young patients, a headmaster has his eyes on the pupils, a noblewoman organizes orgies in her villa, the local convent is run by a dyke and his actual girlfriend poses for a hardcore magazine. He wants everything to come out in the open but his superiors try to put obstacles in his way.


A hotel owner, in competition with a rival owner, finds a cache of lost treasure on the bottom of the bay after trying to drown himself which turns his life upside down.


A man, released after a jail term for a crime he did not commit, raises a gang to go after the man who framed him.


Mike (Brett Halsey) returns home in order to leave his gunfighting days behind him and settle down on a farm with his old sweetheart but things do not go as planned. Finding Jane murdered, Mike is set upon and left for dead by her 7 killers who also steal his life savings of $10,000; all in $50 dollar bills. They leave only seven dollars and Mike vows to track down every man, paying him back with a solitary dollar and death.


Ramon's parents are killed by men of landowner John Barrett. While trying to get revenge, Ramon is wounded but has saved the life of Rezza, an old disillusioned killer. While nursing his wounds, the men become reluctanfriends and Rezza teaches Ramon the art of shooting, surviving and the loneliness a killer has to bear. Ramon becomes threat for Barrett, the landowner engages Rezza to kill Ramon.


The Dirty Outlaws, also known as Big Ripoff, King of the West and The Desperado (in original Italian, El desperado), is a 1967 Italian spaghetti western starring Chip Corman. An outlaw masquerades as a blind man's son in order to trick him into a cache of Gold. After a while he grows attached to the family and all goes well until the outlaws gang comes through town...


Italian drama written and directed by Brunello Rondi.


Bandits ambush Capt. Roy Dexter of the U.S. Cavalry while he and his men escort a fortune in Confederate gold coins. Only Dexter survives the attack. He's subsequently sentenced to life in prison on the false belief he masterminded the ambush. Escaping from prison, Dexter sets about tracking down and exposing the true culprits.


Ramon and his bandit gang launch an attack on Danger City, searching for rumoured hidden treasure and unable to find the loot either kill or take as hostage all the men, leaving only the women and children to produce the treasure or face 'Deguello' - an attack with no quarter. Four men arrive in town searching for Ramon and agree to help protect the town from the bandits.
