Dana Segal

A woman comes back to waking world and travels through her dreams and memory.

Ben-David chases after his elusive first kiss, but he may have to break his mother's trust to get it.

Johnny is a girl with a problem inside her – she’s pregnant and she doesn’t want to be. As a South Dakota native she has only one option – traveling for hours to South Dakota’s only Planned Parenthood and waiting 72 hours within the clinic for her abortion.

At the lowest point of his life, Richie gets a call from his estranged sister, asking him to look after his nine-year old niece, Sophia, for a few hours.


A silver human-statue finds himself having an unusual day at work.

When an on stage rape scene sparks an offstage affair, the line between reality and fiction becomes blurred.

A widower confronts his older son's decision to leave home and his younger son's self-destructive behavior.
