Danai Jarujinda

During the reign of Narayan Nyamgyi, the land of Ayutthaya was prosperous, as I said, there was trade with Westerners, and everywhere there were foreign merchants, ambassadors, It is full of military officers. Makoying Phutkan is the daughter of a famous physician who has passed away. Lon Trafford is a battalion commander responsible for the safety of the city's citizens. Robert is an officer who is close to the French diplomatic officer recruited from the King of France. One day, when the body of a drowned person appeared, and the dead person was a French officer, the officer not only drowned, but also wore a canary dress that only young ladies in the court wear, and conflicts arose between France and Ayutthaya. When Loin and Rob have feelings for escape


The film, directed by Kanittha Kwunyoo, tells the story of a young man who is forced by his father to become a monk. The young man later develops an intimate relationship with a village girl.


Spike Kamala Nan hundred lakes (audition was for me) to sleep and dream of a gala dinner was fixed besieged by the media and people in the circles of nobility, happily, suddenly. the old man screaming and pointing at me for being ungrateful. And forget their own ancestry Ears, eyes startled Think of the stories in the past grain was dew (phys Suda Lawan the concert m), the mother of the school age be left to Tachgag (Council Jane character) and teachers (immaculate Nilawan) sister since. the infantile By refusing to say who is the father and run away. Build pain is very heartbreaking to Tachgag unbroken cloud over time (that Krist Sirisanthana) is another mother who was brought to the Minority party. Make the ears with a range of cloud close.

Darika is the granddaughter of a funeral director. She is a strong hearted and independent young woman who seeks money as her main refuge. Fate just so happens to have her stumbling head over heels when she meets Prajan, a successful man of perfect background and qualities. We find ourselves here again as we return for part two of Dao Kien Duen. The story begins with Darika, a 23 year old woman whose grandfather is a funeral director. Thuwaiwanjak Phuttan, Darika’s best friend, has to go on a business trip for his job. He asked her to look after his condo. Darika does not hesitate and agrees because this is the only time in her life where she gets to stay in a luxurious place compared to her low monthly rented room that she had rented out since she attended college. In addition, the condo is close to her work place which is even more convenient for her. She can save money from traveling expenses and use it for other things. Darika really loves her job because she gets paid well. It makes her happy to be able to fend for herself and not rely on a man. Darika doesn’t take interest in men because she’s afraid that she will experience a failed marriage like her mother’s. Her mother isn’t a very good person because 30 years ago, she fell in love with a police officer and eloped with him, leaving her father to be heartbroken in embarrassment. After a while, his true colors showed and he began to cheat on her. Her mother couldn’t take it anymore and decided to divorce him. She returned back to her father carrying Darika along with her. Darika grew up poor. Her house is made from wood taken from a casket. This resulted in her not having any friends come over because they’re afraid of ghosts. However, this optimistic young girl is not ashamed but instead proud of her home. She thinks it’s unique and very chic in design. Her poor status taught Darika the value of money ever since she was little. Darika spent a couple days at the condo then had to go back to Warang. Her boss is busy preparing for the 50th anniversary since the company’s opening. Mom Luang Chankaan Thatsanai (Ken) is the head leader. He’s a young man of high status who has graduated with his master’s degree from Harvard at only 26 years of age. He’s the beloved child of Khun Dararai, a reputable and well known person in society. Chan Thatsanai is a charming and famous businessman. Chan is a very formal person who cares a lot about organization. His clothes has to be arranged by the right shades of color. His father gave him time to study and learn about the company for 2 years. After that, he has to accept the position after him and look after the family’s business. Darika currently works at his company and they will eventually cross path. How will the rest of the story play out?

She is a young reporter aiming to write a story about a secretive Casino owner named Sama, unbeknowst to her they have a history together. When she was a kid, he gave her money to care for her sick mother who later died. In return for his kindness, she saved him from being killed by hoodlums at a casino. As an adult she has a lot of prejudices for gambling and casinos because her father was a gambler who abandoned them when her, her ailing mother, and twin sister needed him the most.

A slap and kiss lakorn involving a force marriage that wasn’t meant to be. It was her cousin who should have married pra’ek, but the day before the wedding, her cousin was kidnapped by a guy who had loved her for years. He kidnapped her, assaulted her, got her pregnant, and thus everything changed. The young and bratty nang’ek had to take the place of her cousin because it was a marriage to erase a debt. Nang’ek’s uncle owed money to pra’ek (Boy) and his father. Since he can’t use his daughter, you’ll use his niece instead.

Nantawadee and Nucharee are sisters with the same father. Their grandmother doesn't accept Nantawadee's mother because she's a bar girl. Grandmother tries to ask to adopt Nantawadee, but her mother refused, so Nantawadee has to grow up among the bar girls. When her father is dead, Nuanjai, Nucharee's mother intends to share some inheritance to Nantawadee, but she gives the condition that Nantawadee must move to live in her grandmother's house. Nantawadee accepts to move in and pretends to be good to her new family, but in her mind, she doesn't like her grandmother and Nuanjai. And she's also jealous of Nucharee, she tries to steal everythings that belongs to Nucharee. Finally, she can steal Lieutenant Sarat, Nucharee's fiance to get married with her instead. Later, Nadda, the bright-futured ambassador's secretary comes close to Nucharee and fall in love with her. When Nantawadee knows that Nadda is richer and better than her husband, she tries to divorce her husband and approachs Nadda. When Nadda proposes Nucharee to marry him, Nantawadee tries to do everything to stop their wedding.