Daniel Dantas

Ian is a middle-aged man forced to live with frequent and incontestable frustration of not having fulfilled any of his dreams. An unexpected encounter with Otto eventually take Ian, violently, from his constant and unchanging comfort zone.

A seasoned couples therapist comes to realize she might need help with her own marriage after meeting a new pair of young clients.


In 1960s Rio de Janeiro, aspiring writer Felipe leads a life of wild parties held in an apartment in famous street Barata Ribeiro in Copacabana. There he and his friends enjoy freedom even in the midst of a complicated political moment.


The movie depicts the political crisis that led to the suicide of president Getúlio Vargas, in the 19 days that preceded August 24, 1954. The crisis began with the attempted assassination of journalist and politician Carlos Lacerda in August 5, 1954, at rua Toneleros, Rio de Janeiro, in which Major Vaz was assassinated instead. Investigations pointed to Gregório Fortunato, chief of Vargas' personal guard, as the orderer of the frustrated assassination. This incident was one of the most importants in the history of Brazil.


Sparkling Girls tells the story of three young and lovely, hard-working housekeepers who rise to stardom overnight after an incidentally uploaded online video of their singing performance becomes an unexpected hit. Penha, Rosário, and Cida, all make an honest living cleaning, cooking, and picking up after their bosses. Besides an everlasting friendship, these three ordinary women also share the similar struggle of finding romantic love. The future music stars never imagined all the glitz and glamour that their lives would turn into.


O Astro (English: The Illusionist) is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It was broadcast from July 12, 2011 to October 28, 2011, and consisted of 64 episodes.


Eugênio (Lucas Cotrim) é um garoto de 11 anos que jamais se separa do guarda chuva herdado de seu avô. No último dia de férias ele e Cebola (Victor Froiman), seu melhor amigo, precisam entrar na sombria casa onde fica sua nova escola. O motivo é para resgatar Frida (Rafaela Victor), a grande paixão de Eugênio, que foi sequestrada pelo fantasma do Barão Von Staffen (Daniel Dantas)


In Lapa, Rio de Janeiro, the idle aspirant writer Zeca has been living with Arts Professor Júlia for five years. He is stuck on page 50 of his novel for a long time and Zeca claims lack of inspiration to conclude the plot. He leads a comfortable life from inheritance left by his mother and administrated by his father Humberto. When Zeca sees Júlia alone with her best friend Carol in his flat, he believes that they are having a love affair and becomes obsessed with Carol, following her. Júlia travels to São Paulo with work giving Zeca the perfect opportunity to have an affair with Carol. So begins his complicated life: while Júlia works and studies for her doctorate, Zeca has sex with Carol during the days and with Júlia during the nights. Zeca plots a scheme to stay with either Carol or Júlia but his plan does not go as he hoped.


After thirteen years of engagement, the boring sex life of Rui and Vani is limited to one intercourse every other week. They decide to seek excitement with a threesome and they decide to invite Vani's cousin Silvinha to participate late night, but an accident interrupts their game. Rui and Vani unsuccessfully spend the night searching for for companion of a bisexual woman.


Jessica, Sabrina and Daiane have dreams, just like all young people of any social class or place in the world. They live in a low-income neighborhood in the periphery of Rio de Janeiro and find in prostitution a way to survive and satisfy their consumer desires. However, even faced with the trials of absolute uncertainty and lack of hope, Jessica, Sabrina and Daiane insist on loving, having fun and planning their future.


Fishy businessman deposits some money in his secretary's (and lover) account. But a typing mistake sends the money to an honest woman's account, whose husband had just been fired.


Ulisses has failed in his professional life, but leads a happy life with his wife Ângela and their two daughters. Until the day he is introduced to Bárbara, a very beautiful woman living in Rio de Janeiro. Ângela becomes her friend and gives her the dress Ulisses had given her. From then on, marital problems arise, and he becomes increasingly attracted to Bárbara.


Celebridade is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced and aired by TV Globo from October 13, 2003 to June 26, 2004, totaling 221 chapters. Featured Malu Mader, Marcos Palmeira, Cláudia Abreu, Fábio Assunção, Marcio Garcia, Deborah Secco, Juliana Paes, Marcelo Faria, Alexandre Borges, Júlia Lemmertz, Nathália Timberg, Bruno Gagliasso, Hugo Carvana, Nívea Maria, Juliana Knust and Deborah Evelyn in leading roles.


The life of Austrian writer Stefan Zweig in Brazil. He wrote the famous book "Brasil, País do Futuro" (Brazil, Country of the Future). He and his wife Lotte, in a mysterious death pact, decided to kill themselves in the week following 1942 Carnival, in Brazil.


Filmed over a five-year period, Chronically Unfeasible dissects Brazilian problems, using six people who meet in a restaurant in São Paulo as models to illustrate political, sociological and economic disparities between Brazil's upper and lower classes.


This film shows three episodes: "The First Sin" portrays the relationship of a man and married woman; in "Devilish", the desire between a young woman and her brother-in-law is shown; and in the episode "Cachorro!", a man sees his wife with her lover.


Força de um Desejo is a Brazilian telenovela produced by Globo TV and was shown in the schedule of 18 hours between May 10, 1999 and January 29, 2000, in 226 chapters. It was written by Gilberto Braga and as collaborators with Alcides Nogueira Marques, Lilian Garcia, Eliane Garcia, Philip Miguez and Mark Silver and directed by Mauro Mendonça Filho, Carlos Araújo, Fabricio Mamberti and João Camargo, with production of the core Marcos Paulo. Featured Malu Mader, Fábio Assunção, Cláudia Abreu, Marcelo Serrado, Selton Mello, Nathália Timberg, Lavínia Vlasak, Isabel Fillardis and Denise Del Vecchio in leading roles.


Accused of murdering a millionaire, a man manages to escape. Finding help along the way, he starts a struggle to prove his innocence.


O escritor Sílvio Proença precisa embarcar para São Paulo, a fim de divulgar seu novo livro. No aeroporto, encontra um grupo de velhos companheiros. Com o embarque cancelado devido à uma forte tempestade, o grupo segue para o apartamento de Marialva, filha de um dos amigos de Proença. Seduzido pela música e pelos encantos de Marialva, Proença passa a noite ali mesmo, onde desperta no dia seguinte, completamente nu. Ainda zonzo da ressaca, vai apanhar o pão deixado à porta do apartamento; é quando o vento fecha a porta e deixa-o nu do lado de fora.


Luiza is an architect who just got out of a ruined relationship. Gabriel is a biologist and he has finished a long-term marriage with divorce. When they both meet, chances that they can do well together are not that big. But they will try to, even if their friends Barata (a convict bachelor totally skeptical when it comes to love) and Marta (a mathematic analyst who wishes that human relations were just as exact as numbers are). Written by Pedro Aguiar


Explode Coração is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced by Rede Globo and aired between November 6, 1995 and May 4, 1996, with a total of 155 chapters. Written entirely by Glória Perez and directed by Ary Coslov, Gracie and Carlos Araújo Júnior, production had general direction and core Dennis Carvalho, and was the 51st "of eight novel" the state broadcaster. Ricardo Macchi, Edson Celulari and Teresa Seiblitz play the leading roles in a plot centered on the love triangle formed by the protagonists and addressing the culture of the gypsies in Brazil.


Michael is a U.S. journalist who works for a Brazilian newspaper. One day he is put in charge of interviewing Father Louis Stephen, a famed catholic missionary who helps the needy in the jungles of Brazil. Yet he has one problem: the Father has rarely ever given an interview. However, Michael decides that he will be the first to have interviewed the Father personally, and goes on a journey to the center of Brazil, in search of the priest. Michael will soon know how hard it can be to get an interview, and that the Father's apparent media-shyness has deeper implications than he thought.


Mulheres de areia is a Brazilian telenovela produced by the Rede Globo and aired from 1 February 1993 though 25 September 1993, in 203 chapters. It was written by Ivani Ribeiro with the contribution of Solange Castro Neves and directed by Wolf Maya, Ignácio Coqueiro, Andre Schultz and Carlos Magalhães. It is a remake of the soap opera of same name that aired at defunct Rede Tupi from 1973 to 1974, when Eva Wilma portrayed the two main characters of the plot.


Tereza tries to leave her past and forge her own destiny and happiness by going through several affairs.


It tells the story of the Camabará family for many generations, which were fundamental to the social and political formation of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The stories are remembered by Dona Bibiana, who remembers the life of her grandmother Ana, her husband, the Captain Rodrigo, his son Bolivar and his daughter-in-law Luzia.


After the funeral of her father Arnaldo, who committed suicide, Engraçadinha confesses to the priest the motives. On the engagement party of her cousin Sílvio with Letícia, Engraçadinha seduces him in the library, and later she ends her engagement with Zózimo and lies to Letícia, telling that she is pregnant. Letícia decides to tell Arnaldo what happened, and he says that the child can not be born. He exposes dirty secrets to Engraçadinha, and a tragedy is announced.
