Daniel Götschenhjelm

Nina Frisk is a flight attendant who loves flying. She is happy above the clouds, far away from her dysfunctional family and superficial love life. But then one day Nina meets Marcus and his son William, and falls helplessly in love. For the first time ever in her life, Nina begins to long for a family of her own. But Nina soon discovers that life on earth can be just as turbulent as in the sky.


Right before Christmas Charlotte Ekeblad is given an offer she hardly can refuse, to become a minister in the Swedish Parliament. As minister of environment she is put in a position with no greater power, yet the prime minister comes out as a modern and open minded leader with a young woman in his staff. Charlotte Ekeblad though, is torn between a family life as a woman, and the opportunity to make a career. In the middle of this stands a husband not really sure what to think of becoming number two in the family, and a resistance in the male domination of the government. The pressure builds up and the marriage starts to shake in its foundations. It's time for Charlotte to ask herself if the price for the ability to change is too high.


Tartuffe is a cheeky cheater and traitor who succeeds in fooling and terrorizing Orgon and his family.
