Daniel Tinayre

A sexually-repressed girl of the Buenos Aires slums slowly goes mad after marrying.


The young and inexperienced godson of a millionaire falls for a singer who is married. The millionaire opposes the relationship because he feels a "strange tenderness" for the boy.


Two twin sisters have completely different ways of loving: to one love is profound, to the other is carnal.


An amnesiac carnival psychic is haunted by the thought that a man is coming to kill her.


A philosophy teacher is raped by her night school students.


In an institution for the blind, a man rails against his misfortune, his energy and thinking distorted by a need to fight his blindness. Unhappy and unable to come to grips with his condition, he stirs a sympathetic chord in another blind inmate. She in turn, slowly enters into a relationship with him that starts to transform the ways he perceives himself and his blindness.


From Emile Zola's novel "La Bete Humaine", tells the story of a jealous husband, a provocative woman and a man with an uncontrollable desire to kill.


The woeful tale of a trained nurse falsely accused of murder and shipped off to prison for five years.


A store clerk, a detective, the robbery of a necklace and a murder.


The title of this Argentine film translates literally to Dance of Fire. It is the sometimes profound, sometimes slightly sordid tale of Emilia, (Amelia Bence), a famous concert pianist. As a child, Emilia was sexually assaulted by a circus clown (Enrique Diosdado) while the music of Manuel de Fallas' "Ritual Dance of Fire" could be heard from the circus tent. Since that time, Emilia has gone into hysterics every time she hears the de Fallas composition. Making matters worse, the lascivious clown is now her business manager. Exploiting Emilia's fragile emotional state, the ruthless manager dominates the poor girl. An outburst of violence against the manager is not only inevitable, but in the context of the story it's downright cathartic.


A thief commits a robbery and is seen by a showgirl who becomes a witness to the crime. The man finds her and forces her to help him take what he stole to Rio de Janeiro. With no other way out, she is sent on a boat to Brazil by the thief. On board, the showgirl meets a doctor with whom she begins a romance while the criminal falls in love with her.


A couple plans to poison a wealthy elderly to stay with his fortune. However, the plans of the villain and his accomplice stagger at the last minute.


A melodramatic, psychological thriller, the film tells the story of a young wealthy widow, who is unhappy. She meets a Bohemian artist who marries her to escape the poverty of his family, but is stifled by her possessiveness and jealousy.
