Daniele La Leggia

Out of the Closet is about a couple facing the breakdown of their relationship, when the one of them who is deep in the closet is unimpressed that his boyfriend has turned up out of the blue, just before his female fiancee is due to turn up. On first it seems the short seems to be strongly on the side of the guy being dumped, but at the same time it shows situations from the couples’ past where the openly gay guy should probably have taken the hint. It’s difficult to say whether things such as one of the men repeatedly refusing public displays of affection is seen as foolish or that his partner is deluding himself that things will change, or a bit of both.

Francesco Taramelli is a psychoanalyst who is dealing with three patients going through various hurdles in their love lives: Marta is chasing a deaf-mute man who has stolen things from her book shop, Sara is a lesbian who was left by her girlfriend just after she proposed to her, and 18-year-old Emma is seeing a 50-year-old architect called Alessandro, who is already married. Unfortunately, these three patients are Francesco's three beloved daughters.


Having cheated on his wife, Giulio, a municipal employee, moves out, but has to find a solution on how to still support his family, and himself.


Romano e De Pascalis sono colleghi occupati presso un'azienda assicurativa. Amici cordiali diventano rivali accaniti in seguito alla minaccia di licenziamento per esubero. Decisi a non perdere il posto, la casa, lo status sociale e le rispettive consorti, i due agenti partiranno alla volta di Sharm el Sheikh, dove si gode sole e denaro il loro nuovo boss. Imprenditore senza scrupoli, Saraceni è presidente dell'Empoli Calcio, marito di una moglie bellissima e padre distratto di un adolescente. Sulla spiaggia e sotto gli ombrelloni dei “vips”, Romano e De Pascalis tenteranno di avvicinarlo e di conservare il posto di lavoro. Intorno a loro intanto mogli e figli animeranno nel bene e nel male il loro soggiorno all inclusive.


Come ogni 14enne Carolina, detta Caro,è impegnata a districarsi tra la scuola, gli amici e il rapporto spesso conflittuale con i genitori, si trova improvvisamente alle prese con i turbamenti legati al primo amore che ha il nome e il volto di Massimiliano. Ad aiutarla nel suo cammino verso la scoperta delle gioie e dei dolori sentimentali ci saranno le sue amiche del cuore e la sua famiglia


I Cesaroni is an Italian television series produced since 2006 by Publispei and Mediaset RTI. The series is transmitted not only in Italy but also in Portugal, in the Czech Republic, Greece and Turkey. It is inspired by the Spanish series "Los Serrano". In Italy, the series is now in its fifth season and has been renewed for a sixth season.
