Danièle Panneton

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In this outrageous comedy (where the lead characters are played by the same actor), four men from very different backgrounds set out to go "babe-hunting" on a Saturday night. Follow a very shy nerd, a... read more broken- hearted junkie, a snob yuppy, and a middle-aged married man through their amazing ordeal!


30-year-old Quebec City native Gisèle (Rita Lafontaine) lives a quiet life as a secretary without happiness with her parents and siblings. One day, tired of being teased by her office mates, she decides to consult a marriage agency to find her soul mate.


Jean. François. Xavier. Three names, three figures that personify the triple image of a being who lives before our eyes the stages of his evolution and his liberation from sex, woman and death. Freed from his constraints, he becomes himself and, in his eyes, the woman is no longer the provocative element of a certain guilt of which he carried the weight.