Danièle Parola

Political turmoil convulses 19th-century Russia as Razumov, a young student preparing for a career in the czarist bureaucracy, unwittingly becomes embroiled in the assassination of a public official.


When an up-and-coming singer's career is jeopardized by morphine addiction, her brother takes on the ruthless dope pushers who are intent on keeping her hooked.


A bank employee who stole money at work falls in the hands of a dangerous escaped convict whose girlfriend is going to help him out of this mess.


This French film confection directed by Henry Roussell concerns two young Parisian beauties in love with same fellow (Fernand Fabre). When one of the girls (Suzy Vernon) goes to America, the one who stays home (Esther Kiss) thinks shes triumphed. But when the traveler returns and the guy goes for her new-found sophistication, the competition continues- including the hilariously mock-heroic duel we see in this four-sheet design.

Expressing post-war cultural internationalism, this silent film follows the mysterious Orchid and the man who loves her.
