Danil Tyabin

Fifteen-year-old Ars, due to psychological characteristics, spent most of his life at home. After moving with his mother to a small town, he decides to go to school. Ars faces a difficult path of socialization and verification of his moral beliefs. Due to the non-standard behavior and versatile hobbies of Ars, the initial rejection of classmates is replaced by interest and sympathy for him. Only the guy with the nickname Sissy hates Ars more and more, wanting to hurt him in every possible way, and, eventually, provokes him to a duel that will be a turning point for Ars.

The story of a simple Russian youth who goes to the frontline in the First World War with the naïve and youthful dream of glory and medals. In the first battle he loses his eyesight and is left to serve as “listener-in” — to listen out for the approach of enemy planes through huge metal funnels and raise alarm.


1978-80x in USSR. The history of the family on the background of Brezhnev stagnation. First, the father, and then the daughter will face a difficult choice. The choice between your own well-being, career and love for others. This story is about first love, about gaining faith in God, about respect for parents.

The students of 11th "A" grade will never forget their prom. And so their parents.
