Dany Boudreault

One Friday night, Victor makes his escape and leaves his residence for adults with autism. Seeking freedom, he meets Jessy with whom he spends the night. Thanks to their encounter, Victor reconnects with himself and asserts his own identity.

This is the portrait of two recently released prisoners (Pierrette Robitaille and Romane Bohringer) who learn to live in a sugar shack deep in the forest.


Destinées revolves around clinique Jouvence, a cosmetics and health clinic offering a variety of treatments ranging from massage to cosmetic surgery.

After living together for several months, Louis (24 years old) moves in with his lover Sam (35 years old) in the huge suburban house bought as a surprise by the latter. Despite the excitement generated by this pivotal stage in their relationship, Louis discovers that his new life is a prison: a suburb far from the city, his landmarks and his friends. An invitation to dinner will upset the couple, as a certain darkness sets in.