Darcy Fowers

Rita heads to the mountains to get some peace and recover from mental distress. While there she meets Pierce, a doctor doing stem cell research whose experiments have gone horribly wrong. Now Rita is the only one who can solve the problem.


The family man farmer John Rollins is stressed with his financial situation: the crows and the lack of irrigation are destroying his crop of corn; the bank is near closure of his mortgage; he does not have credit to fix the water pump or to buy seeds; and his marriage is in crisis and his wife Mary is giving too much attention to her friend Tommy. When John accidentally discovers a hidden compartment in the barn, he finds a creepy scarecrow but his son Michael makes him promise to destroy it. However, his neighbor Jude Weatherby visits him, gives a six-pack of beer to the abstemious John and convinces him to put the scarecrow in the cornfield. Out of the blue, the life of John changes: the crows die; the pump works again irrigating the land; and the banker responsible for the closure has an accident and dies. However, he feels that his land is possessed by something evil that is threatening his beloved family.


“The Phone Book” is the first-ever film adaptation of the world’s most widely owned book – the telephone directory. To preserve the artistic integrity of the original work, all dialogue has been reproduced exactly as it appears in the source material.


When a group of young actors adapt an Edgar Allan Poe tale into a theater production, the line between truth and fiction becomes terrifyingly blurred as elements from the harrowing story begin to bleed over into reality. The ensemble soon comes to the horrifying realization that life has begun to imitate art, and their collective descent into madness has reached a point of no return.


Bruce Nolan toils as a 'human interest' television reporter in Buffalo, N.Y., but despite his high ratings and the love of his beautiful girlfriend, Bruce remains unfulfilled. At the end of the worst day in his life, he angrily ridicules God—and the Almighty responds, endowing Bruce with all of His divine powers.
