Darion Basco

Written, Directed and Produced by Ryan Moore. Short film premiering at Asian World Film Festival November 12, 2022

A biography of the civil-rights activist and labor organizer Cesar Chavez. Chronicling the birth of a modern American labour movement, Cesar Chavez tells the story of the famed civil rights leader and labour organiser torn between his duties as a husband and father and his commitment to securing a living wage for farm workers. Passionate but soft-spoken, Chavez embraced non-violence as he battled greed and prejudice in his struggle to bring dignity to working people.


Drama - American independent cinema is alive and audacious in this award-winning, mind bending, festival favorite. STRING THEORY starts as a seemingly simple morality tale centered on the fate of a beat-up church in Santa Monica, but ends as a psychedelic meditation on the modern experience of God! - Rico E. Anderson, Darion Basco, Stephen Chang


The LUMPIA-armed hero reappears in Fogtown and teams up with high school student Rachel to prevent a mysterious crime syndicate from destroying their town, and her parents' dream wedding.