Dave Barry

A man attempts to sleep with five different women.


A stagecoach owner is going out of business if the train (rode by Roland) makes it to the other side, so they hire Rattfink to stop the train, but doesn't work.


Band singer/race driver Mike McCoy must choose between marrying a beautiful rich girl and driving her father's car in a prestigious race.


An English voice talks to the Pink Panther, who is reading a book about secret agents, and suggests to the panther that he become an agent. Intrigued at this idea, the Pink Panther dons a trench coat, hat, and pipe and walks nonchalantly on city streets, looking for enemy spies. He comes upon a gang of foreign agents scheming to detonate a series of black-ball bombs, and when they realize he is following them, they shoot him with guns, lure him into a crocodile trap, and, under cover of darkness aboard a train, replace his cigarette with a bomb.


Two musicians witness a mob hit and struggle to find a way out of the city before they are found by the gangsters. Their only opportunity is to join an all-girl band as they leave on a tour. To make their getaway they must first disguise themselves as women, then keep their identities secret and deal with the problems this brings - such as an attractive bandmate and a very determined suitor.


Jim Burton, chronic alcoholic, is cared for by Ellen, his incredibly patient, sexy, hard-working wife. A doctor's warning that Jim could become mentally ill strikes enough fear into him that he really wants to cure himself...but can't. One night, he meets William Tobin, a fellow drunk, and finds that he helps himself by trying to help Tobin. Thus is born, amid setbacks, a group resembling Alcoholics Anonymous.


Bugs discovers a Micronesian Film Documentary in "Cromagnonscope" showing Elmer Fuddstone and a sabertooth bunny in 10,000 BC.


Three delinquents murder a prosperous farm owner at an isolated farm house. The one witness to the crime - the dead man's secretary - is then taken hostage.


Four young starlets, from various parts of the world, are called to Hollywood to test for the lead in a major film. Each is romantically pursued by the director, composer, playboy, and actor. Which one of an international quartette of beauties will replace Universal's glamour star in an upcoming Biblical epic?


Sach receives news that he is the heir to the Terwilliger Debussy Jones fortune. Accompanied by his pal Slip, he arrives at the Jones mansion to review the legal papers needed for him to claim his new fortune. However, Sach and Slip discover that the rightful heir, the young Terwilliger III, is being cheated out his inheritance by the miscreant duo of Stuyvesant Jones and Clarissa. Sach and Slip, with the help of their fellow Bowery Boys, save the day and restore the heir’s inheritance.


If you remember Shelley Winters from "The Poseidon Adventure" or "Bloody Mama," you might tend to forget what a knockout she was early in her career. This film will give you the chance to see her as a sexy nightclub singer teaching her just-in-from-the-sticks friend Colleen Miller the ropes in New York City. When Winters finds out that her married boyfriend Barry Sullivan has fallen for Miller, the recriminations...and bullets...start to fly!


The Disassociated Press wants Bugs Bunny's life story. Got a pencil? "First," says Bugs, "I was born." He quickly learns he is different from the other children: he's a "rabbit in a human world." He grows up to accept repetitive chorus boy jobs in such Broadway revues as "Girl of the Golden Vest," "Wearing of the Grin" and "Rosie's Cheeks." His career hits the skids and he's living on a park bench before he's discovered by that great vaudeville star, Elmer Fudd. Their dual comedy act is a hit, which leads to film roles. Will Bugs Bunny ever have to look back?


Bugs helps a penguin go home via New Orleans, Martinique, the Panama Canal and finally the South Pole. But the penguin's home is in New Jersey.


Porky, a talent scout for "Goode and Korney Talent Agency," auditions various acts. A final gag has a wolf performing this "stupendous act" where he wears a devil hat, cape and the like, drinks nitroglycerin, gasoline and other explosive stuff, then swallows a match. KABOOM! Porky thinks that the act is really good until the wolf's ghost comes in and says that there's a catch... "I can only do it once!"(Source: bcdb.com)


Kitty's owner introduces her to a puppy who will befriend and Kitty realizes that when the puppy grows up he becomes Kitty's enemy because dogs hate cats and makes a chase in the yard at the end of the flashback of kitty for the puppy and kitty chases the puppy and the horse gets into the garbage can.

Eddie, (Dane Clark) a small-time hoodlum is forced to care for Marie (Geraldine Brooks) he accidentally hits with his car during a crime. He is broke and hits up his very displeased mob boss for cash. To make matters worse, Eddie and Marie begin to fall for each other.


Little Bigfeather, an Indian, wants to hunt and eat moose, but a turkey oddly wants to be chased instead. Very bizarre ending in this one.


Former burlesque star May and her daughter Peggy dance in the chorus. When May has a fight with featured dancer Bubbles, Bubbles leaves the show and Peggy takes her place. When Peggy falls in love with wealthy Randy, May fears class differences may lead to misery.


Out in the desert, a dopey wolf tries to catch an obnoxious rabbit.

Humphrey Bogart visits the Mocrumbo Restaurant. He orders fried rabbit and Elmer Fudd has twenty minutes to serve it.


A slick movie director tricks a hayseed horse into becoming a stunt double.


An emaciated canary, singing like Frank Sinatra, is getting on the nerves of a pipe-puffing parrot, who speaks like Bing Crosby. The parrot spots Sylvester, foraging through the trash. Telling the cat he needs more vitamins (which the canary has been swallowing in bulk), he lures the cat inside to snare the canary. The straightforward approach fails (the canary bops him in the nose). He carves a female canary from soap, lures Frankie there; the birds slide down a greased counter, into the sink, and down the drain, but only the soap bird goes through the pipe and down Sylvester's throat. A trail of birdseed into the garage seems to work, but Frankie jacks Sylvester's mouth open. Sylvester laces the vitamins with buckshot; like all cartoon magnets, his attracts everything metal in sight except his prey.


Take-off on the "Duffy's Tavern" radio program, with tough-guy Eddie G. Robincat demanding a meal of mouse knuckles, "of which we ain't got none," waiter Filligan informs his absentee boss on the phone. To fill the plate, Filligan then tries to catch the blabbermouth mouse, Sniffles.


Movie patrons watch and interact with a variety of short subjects and a spoof of the film "To Have and Have Not."


A caricature of W.C. Fields runs a theater show with four separate short stories in which nursery rhymes are sung in the beginning (by Andrews Sisters lookalikes) and then acted out.

Bugs Bunny is working in the display window of a department store when the manager tries to move him to the taxidermy department and have him stuffed.


A collection of spot gags spoofing travelogues complete with narration.

Actually, Popeye and Bluto are already there. They visit a nightclub, where the featured singer/dancer is, of course, Olive Oyl.


Bluto the blacksmith gets a draft notice. Popeye is in charge of the local draft board. Bluto gives a sob story about his ailments, but makes a miraculous recovery when Popeye's gorgeous "secretary" appears (really a 1000 pound weight in disguise). Bluto, desperate, dives out the skyscraper window; Popeye tries to catch him, but they both plummet through the sidewalk, and the devil chases them back out of hell. Bluto dashes into traffic, but the car suffers more.


Shore leave in South America; Bluto muscles in on Popeye's girl, Olivia Oyla. Popeye muscles him out, but when they get to the conga club, he doesn't care to dance, so Bluto wins again.


A tour of Ciro's Nightclub packed with caricatures of many top stars.


Jack Bunny (a spoof of Jack Benny) invites Hollywood celebrities to his Malibu house for a party.


Various Mother Goose rhymes are portrayed by Hollywood stars for example, Old King Cole's fiddlers three are the Marx Brothers, and Humpty Dumpty is W.C. Fields, who falls while tormenting Charlie McCarthy; Simple Simon and the Pieman are Laurel and Hardy.


It's race day, and first prize is $2 million (less $1,999,998.37 in taxes). Porky's little car is matched against cars driven by stars of yesteryear, including Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chaplin. When the black #13 driven by "Borax Karoff" makes a bid for the finish line, can Porky fend him off?


An evening at the local movie theater, including a sing-along led by Maestro Stickoutski at he Mighty "Fertilizer" organ, a "Goofy-Tone" newsreel, and the feature, "Petrified Florist," a spoof of 'The Petrified Forest (1936)' featuring caricatures of Bette Davis and 'Leslie Howard'.


The cat of the house lets the canary of the house out of its cage, with intent of eating said bird. The dog of the house shows up, with intent of not allowing the cat to eat the canary, and the cat is soon in need of medical attention, including a blood transfusion. The blood-donor is the canary, and the cat is soon chirping like a canary.

Series of comedy short films from 1929 to 1969 during the golden age of American animation, alongside its sister series Merrie Melodies.