Dave Brain

Concealing it from his friends, a man reveals his isolating grief to us through movement.

Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, Rabbit and others celebrate fun and friendship in the Hundred Acre Wood in these four stories. It's the thought that counts for Tigger's birthday present in "All's Well That Ends Well." Christopher Robin learns a lesson about responsibility when Kanga puts him in charge of Roo in "Babysitter Blues." In "Party Poohper," uptight Rabbit learns to chill. And in "Piglet's Poohetry," Tigger's imagination kicks into high gear.

An educational short about exercising.


The Easter special featured jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie as the Easter Bunny.[13]


A wild, freewheeling spoof on motorcycle gangs in which tough-looking cyclists, who roam the highways on invisible bikes leaving visible tire tracks, pick up a girl hitchhiker encounter another gang.
